Releases: Yochyo/Yummybooru
Releases · Yochyo/Yummybooru
Yummybooru 2.4.14
Yummybooru 2.4.13
Gelbooru works again
Yummybooru 2.4.12
- Gelbooru and GelbooruBeta
Yummybooru 2.4.10
- tags can be saved separately in a txt file now
- danbooru works again
Yummybooru 2.4.8
- using displays tags again
Yummybooru 2.4.7
- updated dependencies of booruapi, allowing the user to use danbooru again
Yummybooru 2.4.6
- fixed a bug where posts weren't loaded sometimes when using gelbooru
Yummybooru 2.4.5
- Can now use gelbooru again
Yummybooru 2.4.4
- Can now install app again
- tags are added to the correct server
- all selected images are downloaded
Yummybooru 2.4.3
Fixed bugs