1️⃣ | Extensive logger implemented using npm's winston library. The logger supports the following levels with pretty formatting for production environment:
💀 crit (critical)
❌ error
🚨 warn
🐛 debug
👁️ verbose
✅ success
ℹ️ info
This list is in decreasing order of precedence.
2️⃣ | Example usage of MongoDB's official npm library, mongodb instead of earlier often relied usage of mongoose library.
3️⃣ | A sample module having CRUD API implementation examples following the popular MVCS (Model View Controller Service) pattern.
4️⃣ | An ApiResponse class for a standardized approach towards API responses, open to modifications as needed.
⚪ Author: Ayush Kumar Shaw
⚪ Website: yourakshaw.com
⚪ X: @YourAKShaw
This template is MIT licensed.