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Yu-Chun Chen (陳育群) edited this page Jul 23, 2017 · 12 revisions

Chinese Herb Map miner (CHMminer)

An analysis, visualization and knowledge sharing platform for big data in Chinese Medicine


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), an traditional medicine originates from ancient China with a history of more than 5000 years, is widely used in Taiwan. A majority (> 60%) of Taiwanese used TCM for their illness in conjunction with the so-called western medicine. In Taiwan, 40 millions of TCM had been made by Taiwan's residents and 2 billions Chinese herb had been prescribed in a year. These prescriptions were encrypted and released by Taiwan's government as the largest Chinese herb prescription database in the world.

Chinese Herb Map (CHM) had been developed to present the combination of Chinese herbs. CHM had provided a comprehensive illustration of TCM prescriptions in a summarized network view. Both physicians and researchers are able to get the core-herb and active ingredient from the view. However, it's a tough task to extract a network view directly from billions of records. A clinical meaningful and practical useful network view usually takes several-month work in data mining, literature searching and validating and thus limited its usage.

The aim of this project is to provide an analysis and knowledge sharing platform for such a large database. CHM will be mined from the large database automatically and boosted in terms of research time.

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