A cross-browser @mention
engine written in ES6, no dependencies. Tested in Firefox, Chrome, iOS Safari, Safari, IE 9+, Edge 12+, Android 4+, and Windows Phone.
There are a few ways to install Tribute; Bower, as an NPM Module, or by downloading from the dist
folder in this repo.
Bower is a great way to manage your JS dependencies. You can install Tribute by running the following command:
bower install tribute
You can then link to Tribute in your code with the following markup:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/tribute/dist/tribute.css" />
<script src="bower_components/tribute/dist/tribute.js"></script>
You can install Tribute by running:
npm install tributejs
Or by adding Tribute to your package.json
Import into your ES6 code.
import Tribute from "tributejs";
To use Tribute within a Rails project, you can add the following to the app's Gemfile:
gem 'tribute'
Then, add the following to app/assets/javascripts/application.js
*= require tribute
And in app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
//= require tribute
To add Tribute to your webpack build process, start by adding it to your package.json and running npm install
After installing, you need to update your Babel module loader to not exclude Tribute from being compiled by Webpack:
test: /\.js$/,
loader: 'babel',
exclude: /node_modules\/(?!tributejs)/
Or you can download the repo or clone it localy with this command:
git clone git@github.com:zurb/tribute.git
You can then copy the files in the dist
directory to your project.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="js/tribute.css" />
<script src="js/tribute.js"></script>
That's it! Now you are ready to initialize Tribute.
There are two ways to initialize Tribute, by passing an array of "collections" or by passing one collection object.
var tribute = new Tribute({
values: [
{key: 'Phil Heartman', value: 'pheartman'},
{key: 'Gordon Ramsey', value: 'gramsey'}
You can pass multiple collections on initialization by passing in an array of collection objects to collection
var tribute = new Tribute({
collection: []
Once initialized, Tribute can be attached to an input
, textarea
, or an element that supports contenteditable
<div id="caaanDo">I'm Mr. Meeseeks, look at me!</div>
<div class="mentionable">Some text here.</div>
<div class="mentionable">Some more text over here.</div>
// also works with NodeList
Collections are configuration objects for Tribute, you can have multiple for each instance. This is useful for scenarios where you may want to match multiple trigger keys, such as @
for users and #
for projects.
Collection object shown with defaults:
// symbol that starts the lookup
trigger: '@',
// element to target for @mentions
iframe: null,
// class added in the flyout menu for active item
selectClass: 'highlight',
// function called on select that returns the content to insert
selectTemplate: function (item) {
return '@' + item.original.value;
// template for displaying item in menu
menuItemTemplate: function (item) {
return item.string;
// template for when no match is found (optional),
// If no template is provided, menu is hidden.
noMatchTemplate: null,
// specify an alternative parent container for the menu
menuContainer: document.body,
// column to search against in the object (accepts function or string)
lookup: 'key',
// column that contains the content to insert by default
fillAttr: 'value',
// REQUIRED: array of objects to match
values: [],
// specify whether a space is required before the trigger character
requireLeadingSpace: true,
// specify whether a space is allowed in the middle of mentions
allowSpaces: false,
// optionally specify a custom suffix for the replace text
// (defaults to empty space if undefined)
replaceTextSuffix: '\n',
// specify whether the menu should be positioned. Set to false and use in conjuction with menuContainer to create an inline menu
// (defaults to true)
positionMenu: true,
The lookup
column can also be passed a function to construct a string to query against. This is useful if your payload has multiple attributes that you would like to query against but you can't modify the payload returned from the server to include a concatenated lookup column.
lookup: function (person) {
return person.name + person.email;
Both the selectTemplate
and the menuItemTemplate
have access to the item
object. This is a meta object containing the matched object from your values collection, wrapped in a search result.
index: 0
original: {} // your original object from values array
score: 5
string: "<span>J</span><span>o</span>rdan Hum<span>p</span>hreys"
Tribute can be manually triggered by calling an instances showMenuForCollection
method. This is great for trigging tribute on an input by clicking an anchor or button element.
<a id="activateInput">@mention</a>
Then you can bind a mousedown
event to the anchor and call showMenuForCollection
activateLink.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) {
var input = document.getElementById('test');
You can bind to the tribute-replaced
event to know when we have updated your targeted Tribute element.
If your element has an ID of myElement
document.getElementById('myElement').addEventListener('tribute-replaced', function (e) {
console.log('Original event that triggered text replacement:', e.detail.event);
console.log('Matched item:', e.detail.item);
You can bind to the tribute-no-match
event to know when no match is found in your collection.
If your element has an ID of myElement
document.getElementById('myElement').addEventListener('tribute-no-match', function (e) {
console.log('No match found!');
Some useful approaches to common roadblocks when implementing @mentions.
You can update an instance of Tribute on the fly. If you have new data you want to insert into the current active collection you can access the collection values array directly:
{name: 'Howard Johnson', occupation: 'Panda Wrangler', age: 27},
{name: 'Fluffy Croutons', occupation: 'Crouton Fluffer', age: 32}
This would update the first configuration object in the collection array with new values. You can access and update any attribute on the collection in this way.
You can also append new values to an arbitrary collection by passing an index to append
tribute.append(2, [
{name: 'Howard Johnson', occupation: 'Panda Wrangler', age: 27},
{name: 'Fluffy Croutons', occupation: 'Crouton Fluffer', age: 32}
This will append the new values to the third collection.
If you need to know when Tribute is active you can access the isActive
property of an instance.
if (tribute.isActive) {
console.log('Somebody is being mentioned!');
} else {
console.log("Who's this guy talking to?");
If you want to embed a link in your selectTemplate
then you need to make sure that the
anchor is wrapped in an element with contenteditable="false"
. This makes the anchor
clickable and fixes issues with matches being modifiable.
var tribute = new Tribute({
values: [
{key: 'Jordan Humphreys', value: 'Jordan Humphreys', email: 'getstarted@zurb.com'},
{key: 'Sir Walter Riley', value: 'Sir Walter Riley', email: 'getstarted+riley@zurb.com'}
selectTemplate: function (item) {
return '<span contenteditable="false"><a href="http://zurb.com" target="_blank" title="' + item.original.email + '">' + item.original.value + '</a></span>';
You can override the default menuItemTemplate
with your own output on initialization. This allows you to replace the innerHTML
of the li
of each item in the list. You can use item.string
to return the markup for the fuzzy match.
//..other config options
menuItemTemplate: function (item) {
return '<img src="'+item.original.avatar_url + '">' + item.string;
Sometimes you may need to have the Tribute menu attach to a scrollable parent element so that if the user scrolls the container the menu will scroll with it. To do this, you can set menuContainer
to the node that is the scrollable parent.
//..other config options
menuContainer: document.getElementById('wrapper')
If your data set is large or would like to pre filter your data you can load dynamically by setting the values
to a function.
//..other config options
// function retrieving an array of objects
values: function (text, cb) {
remoteSearch(text, users => cb(users));
lookup: 'name',
fillAttr: 'name'
You would then define a function, in this case remoteSearch
, that returns your data from the backend.
function remoteSearch(text, cb) {
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function ()
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
var data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
} else if (xhr.status === 403) {
xhr.open("GET", URL + '?q=' + text, true);
When you want to remove Tribute from an element you can call detach
This will remove all event listeners from the DOM that are associated with that element.
We welcome contributions to Tribute. There are many areas where we would love to see community contributions that we have outlined below, but first, let's go over how to develop in Tribute. We use Yarn to manage our NPM packages.
Install dependencies:
yarn install
Run gulp:
That's it! Now you can use the example/index.html
to test out changes to the code base. All changes to src
and scss
will recompile on the fly.
Once you have made your changes, feel free to submit a pull request.
Vue.js — vue-tribute by @syropian
AngularJS 1.5+ — angular-tribute by ZURB
Ruby — tribute-rb by ZURB
React – react-tribute by Bolste
The major focus that we could use your help with is creating wrappers for different JavaScript frameworks. Some of the ones we are interested in are outlined below. We also see a couple of areas for improving compatibility with different rendering situations, such as in iframes inside of rich text editors.
Some ideas that are for grabs
- Angular 2 directive
- Ember component
- Compatibility with WYSIWYG editors (TinyMCE, etc)
- Testing