This is my repository containing a portfolio of data science projects for academic, boot camp, and self-learning purposes.
- 👧 My name is Dwi Ayu Nouvalina
- ❤️ I love math, business, data, and technology
- 🌱 I’m currently learning at Purwadhika Digital Technology School through Digital Talent Incubator (DTI) - Data Science Program
- 🏢 I used to work at Dotlines Group as Business Development
- 🏫 I joined boot camp/online courses at Coursera, Dicoding Academy, Rakamin Academy, DQ Lab
- ⚡ Fun fact: Love arts and drawing 🎨
- Mini Cake Shop: Create simple application using CRUD python.
- Public Transportation Analysis: Analyze public transportation using python and visuzalize using Tableau.
- E-Commerce Business Performance Analysis Using SQL: Analyze an e-commerce business performance to improve their business growth using SQL.
- Investigate Hotel Business Analysis Using Data Visualization : Analyze city and resort hotels to reduce cancellation rates using python and Power BI.
- Yelp Dataset-Restaurant: Discover interesting and useful knowledge to help people make dining decisions, including constructing a cuisine map to help people understand the landscape of different cuisines, mining popular dishes of a given cuisine, recommending (i.e., ranking) restaurants for a given dish, and predicting hygiene of a restaurant.
- Regression - Youtube Views Prediction: A model to predict youtube views
- Regression - Used Car Auction Price Prediction: A model to predict used car price based on its value utilizing machine learning. The new price is generated based on company problems. Business analysis and recommendations are provided.
- Classification - Predict Customer Clicked Ads to Boost Marketing Target : A Model to predict whether customer will click the ads to boost marketing campaign.
- Classification - Improving Employee Retention: A model to predict employee attrition to improve employee retention using machine learning.
- Classification - Hotel Cancellation Prediction: A model to predict hotel cancellation prediction to reduce revenue loss using machine learning.
- Clustering - Airlines Passengers Clustering: Clustering the airlines passengers based on customer behavior. Business analysis and recommendations are provided.
- Clustering - Predict Customer Personality: Clustering the customer personalities to boost marketing campaign. Business analysis and recommendations are provided.
- Content-Based Filtering
Skin Care Product Recommender System Using Content-Based Filtering - Collaborative Filtering
Online Books Recommender System Using Collaborative Filtering
- Image Classification
MultiClass - Food Classification : Cuisine from many countries classification with 48 classes using deep learning - Natural Language Processing
Women E-Commerce Clothing Reviews : Product Category Analysis Based on Reviews using LSTM
Sentiment Analysis From Movie Reviews Using Pre-Trained Google Cloud : Sentiment analysis classification (Good or Bad) using pre-trained model from Google Cloud Natural Language API - Time Series