My name Yuri and i am a test automotion engineer(AQA) in IntexSoft
Some information about me
- Stadied and work in Andersen lab
- Conducting training for children to develop website and games using engine engines in online Skyeng
- Worked in Tinkoff on fintech project
- Сonstantly improving in javа language
- Learning everything i need to know and become the best (this is my motto)
IntelliJIDEACE | AndroidStudio | Xcode | WebStorm | VisualStudio | PyCharmCE |
Postman | Swagger | Charles | Fiddler | Selenium | Selenide | JUnit5 | AllureReports | AllureTestOPS | TestRail |
VCSGit | GitLab | GitHub |
MySQLWorkbench | DBeaver | Oracle | PostgreSQL | MySQL |
AtlassianJira | Confluence |
JAVA | Maven |
JavaScript | HTML5 | CSS3 | TypeScript | Node.js | Angular |
Figma | Canva |
Terminal | Bash |
Unreal Engine 4/5 | Construct 3 | JavaScript |
My pet projects
- Description on development