UI / UX design practice challenges to enhance my design skills on vanilla css (tailwindcss, begin: 11/05/2023), challenges are brought by icodethis website. I learn everyday about UI / UX design, feel free to provide some feedback by raising an issue.
HTML and CSS, Tailwindcss (begin: 11/05/2023)
There is no live preview. All the challenges are listed here
The challenges are not responsive, only working in a laptop screen
or a screen width of 1360px minimum. I do these challenges to progress in web
design skills, responsive is a design skill but I don't bother with it since
the challenges are made for a wide screen preview, hope you understand that.
The challenges beginning after 10/05/2023 are using Tailwindcss. They must be responsive, so if you see them unresponsive. Don't hesitate to open an issue.
Thanks for reading, Yushi