Shape-Out 2 is the successor of Shape-Out, a graphical user interface for the analysis and visualization of RT-DC data sets. For more information please visit
The documentation, including the code reference and examples, is available at
Installers for Windows and macOS are available at the release page.
If you have Python 3 installed, you can install Shape-Out 2 with
pip install shapeout2
Please cite Shape-Out either in-line
(...) using the analysis software Shape-Out version 2.X.X (available at
or in a bibliography
Paul Müller and others (2019), Shape-Out version 2.X.X: Analysis software for real-time deformability cytometry [Software]. Available at
and replace 2.X.X
with the version of Shape-Out that you used.
pip install -e . pip install -r tests/requirements.txt pytest tests