Getting Started:
I don't know how to do this very well so good luck! You will need python and optionally git.
- Clone the repository or just copy and paste from the ama folder.
- Create a reddit api key and replace "enter yours" with your keys.
- Get edge webdriver and put it in the same folder.
- Find any minecraft background video (crop it to 9:16 for short form content) and name it mcbgvid and place it in the same folder too (the longer the video the longer it takes to run)
- Change the comment limit and the amount of videos generates as you like.
- Run the program, you will see errors saying __ module not found. Run pip install [name of module].
- Repeat until no more errors.
- You should be good to go, have fun! Let me know if there are any issues, im not good at readme's.
Check out the yt for more information!