A collection of tools to help anonymize your browsing. It uses privoxy and traefik to load balance tor circuits. DNS is done with pihole and
Download docker and docker-compose
Checkout this repo and run docker-compose see examples
You can then use
as your proxy and set your dns resolver tolocalhost or
You can scale tor up and down and traefik will loadbalance.
- 5 Tor Circuits
docker-compose up -d --scale tor=5 --remove-orphans
- 10 Tor Circuits
docker-compose up -d --scale tor=10 --remove-orphans
The tor contianers automatically stop and start again between 200-400 seconds
Pulls latest and uses the config in the compose file
Containers use the pihole container for DNS
curl --proxy http://localhost:8118 https://icanhazip.com
If you are running multiple docker networks you may need to adjust the IP range in the docker-compose file.