Dynamic Map Platform (DMP) is a competition event to have Engineers and Designers to develop a service in a short period using the Dynamic Map Platform’s High-Precision 3D Map data.
視覚障害者支援のためのスマートスティックアプリケーション ~高精度3D地図によってバリアフリー社会をつくろう~
High-Precision 3D Map Can Make A Humanistic Society: A Smart Cane Application for Blind Person Assistance
- ros/dmp_package: Contain the developed ROS package for smart cane application.
- vector_maps: Contain the vector maps in Lanelet2 Format edited based on DMP's HD map and Tokyo Tech's HD map.
- waypoints: Contain the waypoints recoreded after a successful localization on HD map by NDT matching.
- rviz_config: Contain the visulization configuration file of Rviz for different scenarios.
Main code: ros/dmp_package/scripts/distance2lane.py
After moving to your workspace, compling and sourcing the environtal variables, run:
rosrun dmp_package distance2lane.py
Then, launch autoware.ai Runtime Manager from where you can import HD map, set TFs and enable NDT matching:
cd autoware.ai
source install/setup.bash
roslaunch runtime_manager runtime_manager
Finally, visualize by importing the rviz setting under rviz_config/lane_awareness.rviz
rviz -d ./rviz_config/lane_awareness.rviz
Main code: ros/dmp_package/scripts/distance2track.py
Enter the workspace, source the environmental variables and run:
rosrun dmp_package distance2track.py
Launch autoware.ai; except changing HD map do same settings as the Demo I.
Visualize by importing the rviz setting under rviz_config/blindtrack_awareness.rviz
rviz -d ./rviz_config/blindtrack_awareness.rviz
Zongdian Li - lizd@mobile.ee.titech.ac.jp