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[Rust] small learning projects, course projects, code playground

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rustup update get the latest version
rustup component list --installed see installed Rust components
rustup component add cmpnt-name install a component e.g. rust-docs
rustup toolchain list see what toolchains are installed
rustup toolchain install nightly --allow-downgrade install the nightly compiler eg. for cargo-expand crate to expand macros
rustup target list list of available compilation target environments
rustup target install {target} install a specific build target eg. x86_64-apple-darwin
cargo +nightly expand use the nightly toolchain just for this command invocation
rustup doc Open documentation
rustdoc Generate local html documentation (into doc folder)
rustup docs --help see book docs options
rustup docs --book open the book
rustup docs std open standard library documentation same: rustup doc --std
rustup docs std::iter open iter module's doc in std library
rustc --version see the language version
cargo --version see Cargo's version
rustc Build a Rust file
main.exe Run a Rust program
cargo --list List Cargo commands (custom commands included)
cargo build Build with Cargo
cargo run Build + run with Cargo
cargo run -q Build + run with no console messages
cargo run -p package_name Build + run specified package in a workspace
RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run Run with backtrace log
cargo check Build check with Cargo
cargo check --workspace Build check on the workspace On all crates included in the workspace in the manifest Cargo.toml
cargo test Run code test (test mod's and #[cfg(test)])
cargo test test_name Run specific a test by name OR test(s) that have this argument in their name
cargo test --doc Further documentation for testing
cargo test --help Displays the options that can be used with test (arguments for the test utility)
cargo test -- --help Displays the options after the -- separator (arguments for the test binary)
cargo test -- --test-threads=1 Run test without parallelism (one thread only)
cargo test -- --nocapture Disable output capture (show printed values for passing tests)
cargo test -- --show-output See everything that is printed to standard output
cargo test -- --ignored Run only ignored tests
cargo test -- --test '*' Only run integration tests (not unit tests)
cargo test --lib Only run unit tests (not integration tests)
cargo test -p package_name Run tests for a particular package in a workspace
cargo build --release Build for release
cargo build --release --target x86_64-apple-darwin build for a specific target
cargo clean Remove the target/ folder
cargo new project-name New Cargo project
cargo new --lib my-lib Naw library file/project
cargo update Update a crate (ignore lock)
cargo doc --open Generate local documentation (use /// to comment)
cargo doc --no-deps --open Generate doc for only your crate (no external crates)
cargo tree Show dependency graph
cargo clippy See idiomatic code suggestions
cargo clippy -- -D warnings fail clheck if clippy emits any warnings useful in a CI pipeline
cargo fmt Automatic code formatter fine tune formatting in rustfmt.toml
cargo fmt -- --check code formatting in a CI pipeline
cargo search crate-name Search for a crate on, eg. structopt
cargo help Cargo command info
cargo add {crate-name} Add dependencies to a Cargo.toml manifest file More
cargo install cargo-watch install cargo watch to monitor changes
cargo install cargo-audit install cargo audit to scan dependency tree for reported security vulnerabilities
cargo watch -x check run cargo watch runs cargo check after every code change
cargo watch -x check -x test -x run chaining processes runs check, then tests, then launches application
cargo fix --edition adopting the newest edition

Other commands

rm -rf ~/.cargo/registry/index/* Remove cargo registry (fixes "Blocking waiting for file lock on package cache")

Rust online playground -

Sublime Text 3: Rust Enhanced package -

Coding Standards: RustFMT


VS Code extensions

Rust analyzer

Code LLDB debugger

Better TOML

Error Lens - inline errors

Crates - support

Potential errors

Error Corrupted file/component
Msg error: failed to install component: 'cargo-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc', detected conflict: 'lib/rustlib\manifest-cargo-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc'
Step 1 Remove toolchain: rustup toolchain remove stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
Step 2 Re-install toolchain: rustup install stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
Error IntelliJ Idea format on save fails / rustfmt error / says old version but current version is used / async fn
Msg Execution failed (exit code 1). C:/[...]/.cargo/bin/rustfmt.exe --emit=stdout stdout : stderr : error[E0670]: async fnis not permitted in Rust 2015 --> <stdin>:3:1 3 [...] switch to Rust 2018 or later = help: pass--edition 2021torustc = note: for more on editions, read
Step 1 Outdated rustfmt version. Check: rustfmt --version. Update: cargo install rustfmt.
Step 2 Rust edition not specified in rustfmt command. Try: rustfmt --edition 2021
Step 3 Misconfigured IntelliJ IDEA settings. Adjust the command or the plugin's settings so the edition flag is passed as additional argument --edition 2021.
Error rust-dgb
Msg error: the 'rust-gdb.exe' binary, normally provided by the 'rustc' component, is not applicable to the 'stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc' toolchain
Info rust-lang/rustup#2838
Info rust-lang/rustup#2843
Fix ???

Directives | More

What How
Mute clippy warnings #[allow(clippy::lint_name)]


[Rust] small learning projects, course projects, code playground






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