Spotify is removing the folder feature on iOS, this is a quick&dirty approach to replace that feature by merging your playlists I run it as a cron job once a day so it's somewhat up-to-date v 0.1
- spotipy - Install with pip install spotipy
- your Spotify username - google it ;)
- your client ID and ~secret - get it at and create one
- redirect URI - keep it the way it is, but add it during registration of your app
Please add all that stuff in the script. Follow the comments ;)
There are a lot of shortcomings in this script. I threw this quickly together in 15mins and will improve these shortcomings in the future
As of now here are the problems:
- You have to manually enter the playlist IDs you want to merge
- This is because I haven't found a different way to get those IDs since spotify removed Folder support from their API -.-
- Currently it only shows 50 playlists. There's an API limit and I was too lazy to get all of them. Will come in the next version though :)
- Doesn't handle local files at all. Just ignores them. Sorry!
- It's not pretty. Will probably not be fixed in the future. Deal with it.
YAY! Just do it!
If you find some errors, create an issue. I'll try to fix it.