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My office vagrant VM for developing .net apps. In ecosystem with: packer-officeVM and vagrant-provvin.


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This project is now combined with packer-officeVM. These both projects together provides full support to:

  1. create a vagrant's box on your own (all you need is ISO file of the Windows OS).
  2. provision your box to your own virtual machine to work.

packer-officeVM is now an integrated part of this project as git submodule. To read more about packer-officeVM, please see it's own

What is it for?

Fast and easy software developer's environment setup. Be able to:

  • start to code up to one hour from scratch (ie: just after new OS installation),
  • decide to restart your development environment any time you want and after next one hour enjoy your new development environment and back to code ;)

Make simply possible two alternative approaches:

  • get full power of advantages using virtualization you like,
  • work with local Windows instance and make your new computer ready to work ASAP.


  • If you choose virtualized approach:

  • If you don't want to use any virtualization:

    • Windows should be your operating system.

In both cases be a Windows Powershell fan.

How to use it?

  • If you choose virtualized approach?

    1. Take a copy of this project

      Clone (with submodules) this repo wherever you want using git:

      C:\> git clone --recursive

      If you already have this project cloned and packer-officeVM is missing, then you should initialize submodules with:

      C:\> git submodule update --init

      Or alternatively you can use 'Download ZIP' button and unzip the archive wherever you want to.

    2. Go read about configuration file and customize environment.

    3. You need Windows ISO file. You must take care of it on your own. After achieve it, place it whenever you want and remember the full path to that ISO file. It will be necessary just in the next step.

    4. You need to create a vagrant's box. This is the thing where packer-officeVM is the best choose.

      Open command line, go to directory where Vagrantfile is and type:

      C:\vagrant-officeVM> cd packer-officeVM
      C:\vagrant-officeVM\packer-officeVM> powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File build.ps1 <your-iso-file-path>

      Wait a dozen or so minutes and let packer do the box for you.

    5. The last thing is to engage Vagrant to create and provision VM to work.

      Stay in the command prompt and get Vagrant to work:

      C:\vagrant-officeVM\packer-officeVM> cd ..
      C:\vagrant-officeVM> vagrant up vs2022

      Please, note that two technologies are supported. Vagrant uses VirtualBox as default so if you want to use Hyper-V, then you have to provide --provider hyperv argument.

      Relax and let Vagrant to do its job. After that your new development environment is ready for you so then:

      C:\vagrant-officeVM\vagrant-officeVM> vagrant rdp

      and login to your new machine with default credentials.


  • If you don't want to use any virtualization?

    I invite you to look at vagrant-provvin project. This is a set of the Powershell modules to provision local Windows instance in the same way as this project provisions virtual machine.

    I also recommend to read some informations about configuration file.

    The same configuration file is used for both solutions.

Your new virtual machine

  • has assigned 1 CPU less than your host OS has.
  • has declared maximum memory up to 8GB and not more than 2/3 of your total RAM size.

All these settings you can tweak as you wish.

Multi-machine support

A single Vagrantfile may describe more than one machine. Two or more concurrent versions of software may be provisioned in separated virtual machines.

The Vagrantfile specifies following machines:

  • vs2015 - REMOVED machine with Visual Studio 2015.
  • vs2017 - REMOVED the machine with Visual Studio 2017.
  • vs2019 - the machine with Visual Studio 2019.
  • vs2022 - the machine with Visual Studio 2022. In the future, when new releases of the Visual Studio will come new dedicated machines are expected and may be separated from each other.

Provisioning process

Provisioning process is a sequence of operations as follows:

Follow links to get more information about each operation and Powershell function involved.

Global configuration/customization file

You can customize your machine with a set of the configuration file. Two configuration files are processed: config/common.json and config/user.json. The first one is versioned and shared. It should contain only the most basic and common options. The second is for user customization. It is not versioned. It is .gitignore-ed. Both files are merged into one single file at the beginning of the provisioning process.

First-level JSON objects are inputs for different functions in vagrant-provvin module. Module's documentation describes each of them with configuration samples.

Configuration contains some secret regions where some sensitive datas are expected. These areas are expected to be encrypted. vagrant-provvin module is eqipped with some functions to help you play with encryption. See configuration encryption section.

Basic configuration encryption

Some objects in JSON formatted configuration file contains object named secret. All values of the secret's properties are recognized as sensitive data. In particular cases those values holds username or passwords. You may want upload them into Windows Vault, because:

  • you don't want be asked about them,
  • or provisioning requires VPN connection,
  • or any process running while provisioning needs them to connect somewhere. Maybe to git repository?

When you initially edit your custom configuration file config\user.json you enter passwords with plain text. The next step is to protect your configuration file. If you do that for the first time, you need your private encryption key, that you don't have. To create your private key take a powershell console and type:

PS (...)\vagrant-officeVM> New-EncryptionKey | Out-File .vagrant\my-private.key

cmdlet New-EncryptionKey at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
InputFile: <**enter path to any file you want, it will be a source file for your encryption key**>
PS (...)\vagrant-officeVM>

And that's all. Now you have your encryption key in .vagrant\my-private.key. Take care of that file. Do not share it. This repository ignores folder .vagrant then you won't commit and push anything by mistake.

Now, when you have your encryption key you can protect your configuration file. Back to powershell console and type:

PS (...)\vagrant-officeVM> Protect-Config config\user.json .vagrant\my-private.key
PS (...)\vagrant-officeVM>

Well done. See config config\user.json. It should contains some values like this piece of config file:

    "drives":  [
                       "local":  "M:",
                       "secret":  {
                                      "remote":  "76492d1116743f0423413b16050(...)IEAZQAwADAANwBkADkAMgA5ADUA"

Now you can fully provision your new VM and forget about all this stuff until your passwords expires. When it comes and yo'll want restart your virtual environment, then you'll need to update your secret data. Before update any protected data you have to unprotect your configuration file. You'll open powershell console and type:

PS (...)\vagrant-provvin> Unprotect-Config config\user.json .vagrant\my-private.key
PS (...)\vagrant-provvin>

Now your passwords are back. Update the expired passwords and protect it back. After that vagrant up command will have a chance to succeed again. As you see your encryption key guarantees bi-directional operation protect<->unprotect. If you throw off your encryption key you have restore your secret data yourself.

All functions involved are members of vagrant-provvin module.

vagrant-provvin Powershell module

All Powershell scripts useful while provisionig are assembled together into single Powershell module called vagrant-provvin. You can take a Powershell console and invoke on-demand any single function you want at any time you want. The module is installed on provisioned VM at location where it can be automatically imported from. If you want to use any function on your local machine you have to import taht module manually with command like:

PS (...)\vagrant-officeVM> Import-Module vagrant-provvin\vagrant-provvin.psd1
PS (...)\vagrant-officeVM>

vagrant-provvin is a separate project which together with: vagrant-officeVM and packer-officeVM forms one ecosystem. The source code of the module you can find here and full documentation is exposed here.

Enjoy :)


My office vagrant VM for developing .net apps. In ecosystem with: packer-officeVM and vagrant-provvin.








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