A Burp Extension for finding simple SQL exploitable. Supports GET and POST with key-value of urlencoded, Json and XML data types.
The extension will automatically fetch the data and variables within the URL/data section for users to customize.
Upper Left Panel:
- Fetched data will be shown here for users to customize, including data, User-Agent, URL, etc.
Upper Right Panel:
- Shows the log of each send/receive. User can click on the log to see detail.
Lower Panel:
- Showes the detail of selected log.
Set Basis:
- Set the currently selected log's content-length to the basis, usually the default content-length.
Hit Once:
- Using the content shows in the upper left panel, send the package and waiting for response.
Auto Scan:
- Using current level configuration (lower right selection bar), perform auto scan for possible injection.
- Force terminate current package waiting procedure, usually used when the Hit Once/Auto Scan button stucks.
Clear Log:
- Clear the log panel (upper right panel).
- Abnormal content length will be printed to std-out.