PHP SDK for IBM Watson services
Note: This project is at an early stage of development and should not be used for production.
- Watson Conversation Service
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // Autoload files using Composer autoload
use WatsonSdkPhp\Factories\WatsonFactory;
// use WatsonSdkPhp\Services\Conversation\V1\WatsonConversationService;
// Getting Conversation Service
$watsonFactory = new WatsonFactory("<username>", "<password>");
$conversationService = $watsonFactory->createConversationServiceV1("<workspace_id>");
// or $conversationService = new WatsonConversationService("<username>", "<password>", "workspace_id");
// Send message
$conversation = $conversationService->sendMessage("Hi!");
// Get the response and the context
$context = $conversation->getContext();
$messages = $conversation->getTextResponse();
foreach ($messages as $msg) { echo $msg . "\n"; }
// Respond using the context
$conversation = $conversationService->sendMessage("OK", $context);
foreach ($conversation->getTextResponse() as $msg) { echo $msg . "\n"; }
// Getting current conversation intents and entities
$intents = $conversation->getIntents();
$entities = $conversation->getEntities();