Hi there 👋
I am Aadya, and I am majorly interested in the Mathematics, Programming, building toolchains and libraries that matter.
- Languages: Python 🐍, Cython, C
- Libraries/Tools: Numpy, SciPy, sklearn, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Keras, Tensorflow, Pytorch, and many more...
- CI/CD: Github Actions
- Testing: Pytest
- Build Tools: Makefile, gcc
- App development: Kivy, KivyMD, Buildozer
- Databases: SQLite
- Google Summer of Code 2024: Participating with the organization NumFOCUS.
- ML Engineer Intern at Unify AI: Worked on their Python Transpiler API.
- Core Developer: Code-Developer of the aeon toolkit. Particularly interested in deep learning.
- Research Assistant: Working at Ahmedabad University on Graph Analytics for Cyber Security.
- ChainoPy: A Python package for Markovian Stochastic Analysis. Check out the project. Published in the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS).
- chaintools library: Library for Markov Chains in C. Check out the project
- PyGraas: A Vulnerability Analysis and Restriction Layer for Python Packages. Check out the project
- Peer Tutor for Stochastic Processes: Tutored students on topics like Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms, Probability Theory, etc.
- Deep Learning Models: Experimented with various models including U-Nets, U-Net++, Alexnet, etc.
SciPy: Implemented scipy.special.softplus
Check out the PR.
- Email: aadyachinubhai@gmail.com