Considering the big performance gap of various SOTA baseline, we provide a solid and strong baseline for fair comparison.
- pytorch 1.4.0
- torchvision 0.5.0
- tqdm 4.43.0
- easydict 1.9
- sample-wise loss not label-wise loss
- big learning rate combined with clip_grad_norm
- augmentation Pad combined with RandomCrop
- add BN after classifier layer
- Compared with baseline performance of MsVAA, VAC, ALM, our baseline make a huge performance improvement.
- Compared with our reimplementation of MsVAA, VAC, ALM, our baseline is better.
- We try our best to reimplement MsVAA, VAC and thanks to their code.
- We also try our best to reimplement ALM and try to contact the authors, but no reply received.
- Compared with performance of recent state-of-the-art methods, the performance of our baseline is comparable, even better.
- DeepMAR (ACPR15) Multi-attribute Learning for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition in Surveillance Scenarios.
- HPNet (ICCV17) Hydraplus-net: Attentive deep features for pedestrian analysis.
- JRL (ICCV17) Attribute recognition by joint recurrent learning of context and correlation.
- LGNet (BMVC18) Localization guided learning for pedestrian attribute recognition.
- PGDM (ICME18) Pose guided deep model for pedestrian attribute recognition in surveillance scenarios.
- GRL (IJCAI18) Grouping Attribute Recognition for Pedestrian with Joint Recurrent Learning.
- RA (AAAI19) Recurrent attention model for pedestrian attribute recognition.
- VSGR (AAAI19) Visual-semantic graph reasoning for pedestrian attribute recognition.
- VRKD (IJCAI19) Pedestrian Attribute Recognition by Joint Visual-semantic Reasoning and Knowledge Distillation.
- AAP (IJCAI19) Attribute aware pooling for pedestrian attribute recognition.
- MsVAA (ECCV18) Deep imbalanced attribute classification using visual attention aggregation.
- VAC (CVPR19) Visual attention consistency under image transforms for multi-label image classification.
- ALM (ICCV19) Improving Pedestrian Attribute Recognition With Weakly-Supervised Multi-Scale Attribute-Specific Localization.
PETA: Pedestrian Attribute Recognition At Far Distance [Paper][Project]
RAP : A Richly Annotated Dataset for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition
- Run
git clone
- Create a directory to dowload above datasets.
cd Strong_Baseline_of_Pedestrian_Attribute_Recognition mkdir data
- Prepare datasets to have following structure:
${project_dir}/data PETA images/ PETA.mat README PA100k data/ annotation.mat README.txt RAP RAP_dataset/ RAP_annotation/ RAP2 RAP_dataset/ RAP_annotation/
- Run the
to generatedataset.pkl
respectivelypython ./dataset/preprocess/ python ./dataset/preprocess/ python ./dataset/preprocess/ python ./dataset/preprocess/
- Train baseline based on resnet50