This repository contains a collection of PySide6 code snippets and small projects showcasing various GUI elements commonly used in PySide6 applications.
Welcome to the PySide6 Basic Projects repository! This collection serves as a reference for PySide6 beginners and developers interested in creating small graphical user interface (GUI) applications using PySide6.
Explore the following PySide6 elements and basic applications within this repository:
- Form
- GridLayout
- GroupBox
- Pixmap
- Label
- ListWidget
- MessageBox
- PushButton
- SpinBox
- TabWidget
- TextEdit
- SizePolicy
- ui_app
- newPlayer
- ERP_Solutions
Clone this repository to your local machine to get started with PySide6 basic projects.
git clone
cd PySide6_Basic
Make sure you have Python and PySide6 installed.
pip install PySide6
Explore each element's implementation in the provided code snippets. Use these examples as a reference for incorporating these elements into your PySide6 projects.
See the examples directory for individual code snippets and small projects showcasing each PySide6 element.
Feel free to contribute by adding more PySide6 elements, improving existing examples, or providing documentation enhancements. Follow the guidelines in
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Now, the README includes the link to your repository (