Do more with Transmission!
- Add torrents by their web page address
- Automatically download new TV show episodes on a schedule
- Raspberry Pi with LibreELEC 12 and Docker add-on
- Central European Time time zone (use your own time zone instead)
There are two ways to set things up:
- set up Transmission and Transmission Manager from scratch
- connect Transmission Manager to a running Transmission container
SSH to your LibreELEC and execute the following commands:
# Create a Docker network
docker network create transmission-network
# Create these folders
mkdir -p /storage/transmission/config
mkdir -p /storage/transmission/watch
mkdir -p /storage/videos/movies
mkdir -p /storage/transmission-manager/data/db
# Run Transmission
docker run -d \
--name transmission \
--hostname transmission \
--network transmission-network \
-e PUID=0 \
-e PGID=0 \
-e TZ=Europe/Prague \
-p 9091:9091 \
-p 51413:51413 \
-p 51413:51413/udp \
-v /storage/transmission/config:/config \
-v /storage/transmission/watch:/watch \
-v /storage/downloads:/downloads \
-v /storage/tvshows:/tvshows \
-v /storage/videos/movies:/movies \
--restart unless-stopped \
# Run Transmission Manager
docker run -d \
--name transmission-manager \
--hostname transmission-manager \
--network transmission-network \
-e PUID=0 \
-e PGID=0 \
-e TZ=Europe/Prague \
-p 9092:9092 \
-v /storage/transmission-manager/data:/app/data \
--restart unless-stopped \
SSH to your LibreELEC and execute the following commands:
# Create a Docker network
docker network create transmission-network
# Find the ID of your Transmission container
# (should look similar to 228b4333c2cd)
docker ps
# Add your Transmission container to this network
# (replace 228b4333c2cd with the ID of your Transmission container)
docker network connect transmission-network 228b4333c2cd
# Find the Transmission's IP address within transmission-network
# (replace 228b4333c2cd with the ID of your Transmission container,
# look for the node called "transmission-network" and within it - "IPAddress",
# the IP address should look similar to
docker inspect 228b4333c2cd
# Create a folder for TransmissionManager.db
mkdir -p /storage/transmission-manager/data/db
# Run Transmission Manager
# (replace with the IP address of your Transmission container)
docker run -d \
--name transmission-manager \
--hostname transmission-manager \
--network transmission-network \
-e PUID=0 \
-e PGID=0 \
-e TZ=Europe/Prague \
-e Transmission__BaseAddress="" \
-p 9092:9092 \
-v /storage/transmission-manager/data:/app/data \
--restart unless-stopped \
Now that you have set up Transmission Manager, try sending HTTP requests to it from PowerShell 7.
Here are some examples (replace <docker_host>
with the hostname or IP address of your docker host):
# See the first 10 torrents registered in Transmission Manager (use "take=<larger_number>" to see more torrents)
(iwr http://<docker_host>:9092/api/v1/torrents?take=10 | ConvertFrom-Json).torrents
# Register a new torrent in Transmission Manager, send it to Transmission for download and check for torrent updates every day at 11:00 and 17:00
iwr http://<docker_host>:9092/api/v1/torrents -Method Post -ContentType application/json -Body '{"webPageUri":"","downloadDir":"/tvshows","cron":"0 11,17 * * *"}'
# Can't wait for Transmission Manager to refresh your torrent #3 at the scheduled time? Force-refresh it yourself!
iwr http://<docker_host>:9092/api/v1/torrents/3 -Method Post -ContentType application/json
# Force-refresh all torrents which are still known to Transmission
(iwr http://<docker_host>:9092/api/v1/torrents | ConvertFrom-Json).torrents | % { iwr "http://<docker_host>:9092/api/v1/torrents/$($" -Method Post -ContentType application/json }
# Unregister torrent #5 from Transmission Manager but do not touch it in Transmission
iwr http://<docker_host>:9092/api/v1/torrents/5 -Method Delete
Alternatively, send requests using Visual Studio Code with the REST Client extension installed - open the file TransmissionManager.Api.http in VS Code, change the host address, the request data and start sending requests.
Let Transmission Manager do this for you - add the address of this web page to Transmission Manager along with a schedule in cron format that says when to check for new episodes and a location to download the new episodes to. Optionally, also add a regex pattern which will make Transmission Manager correctly find magnet links on that web page.