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An AI to play Mario Kart for you.


YoshAI is a project that aims to create an AI that can play Mario Kart Wii at least as effectively as a human. It uses the Dolphin emulator as a simulation platform. At a basic level, YoshAI starts dolphin, finds the window displaying the game, and uses the pixels of the window to predict the best controls to send to dolphin. In collect mode, a user uses a gamepad to control the character and YoshAI saves the images of the game and user inputs as data to be used for training. Train mode uses behavior cloning to train a convolutional neural network to copy the user's inputs. Run mode uses the trained model to play Mario Kart. Dagger mode [TODO]


Note: this project was developed and tested on Ubuntu 22.04. Most parts of the project will likely not work on other operating systems.

Note 2: I used an Xbox 360 controller for this project. Some pieces of this project are specific to an Xbox 360 controller, but would be easy to modify for another controller.

Python Dependencies

Use pip install -r requirements.txt to install all necessary python packages:

xlib            used to capture pixel data from dolphin
inputs          used to capture input data from controller
torch           used for training
torchvision     used for training
av              used by torchvision to save videos of runs
python-uinput   used to simulate controller inputs to doplhin
numpy           used for general computation, will likely be removed soon
matplotlib      used for generating plots during training

Additional setup is required to make the python-uinput module work correctly.


(Required for emulating controller output)

The uinput module (used to emulate a controller or other input device) requires certain permissions to use. By default, the device /dev/uinput belongs to the root user, so the easiest way to obtain these permissions is to run the project as root. You probably shouldn't do that unless you really trust me, so alternatively, you can create a group to assign the device to. Run the following commands to set up the necessary permissions (you may need to run as root by first running sudo -i):

sudo groupadd --system uinput
sudo echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="misc", KERNEL=="uinput", GROUP="uinput", MODE="0660"' >> /etc/udev/rules.d/99-uinput.rules
sudo udevadm trigger /dev/uinput
sudo modprobe uinput
ls -l /dev/uinput

You should see the uinput group listed in the output of the last command:

crw-rw---- 1 root uinput 10, 223 May 27 15:46 /dev/uinput

Next add your user to the uinput group (run as your own user, not as root):

sudo usermod -a -G uinput $USER

Finally, log out of your account and log back in and check that you were added to the group by running the command groups and checking for uinput in the result. You can verify that the full setup was successful by running python If you don't see any error messages, you're good to go!


You'll need to have a recent version of Dolphin emulator installed on your computer. To get the latest version of Dolphin, you'll need to build from source. Follow these instructions to build and install dolphin: Building Dolphin

Note that though the link encourages using a ppa to install dolphin, on most distributions of Linux, the version of dolphin from any ppa is not current enough to work with this project. I had better luck using the latest nightly build from the Dolphin GitHub repo rather than checking out a release tag as the instructions directed.

Once dolphin is installed, there's a couple more steps to get it configured correctly.

First, you'll need to get a copy of the iso file for Mario Kart Wii. Since this is the intellectual property of Nintendo, I have not distributed this file as part of this repo. Legally, you should buy a disc copy of Mario Kart Wii, then rip the file from the disc to use with Dolphin. That's a bit pricey, though... Whatever you do, you should definitely not just Google "Mario Kart Wii iso", because you would likely find the file for free online instead of paying for it through the proper channels, and Nintendo might lose out on $50 of profit. Once you have the iso file, place it in the root of this project directory and update the GAME_FILE variable in if necessary. You should also place a second copy of this file in dolphin's game folder (location is configurable in dolphin).

Next, open up dolphin and navigate to Options > Graphics Settings. In the General tab, Other section, check the box labeled "Auto-Adjust Window Size". This will keep the size of the window consistent across restarts of the game.

Lastly, you'll need to do some controller configuration:

  1. Copy the wiimote profiles from the wiimote_profiles directory to the dolphin Profiles directory. For me, this is located at ~/.config/dolphin-emu/Profiles. If this directory does not exist, the easiest way to make sure you're in the right place is to create a wiimote profile in the dolphin UI, name it something identifiable, save it, and search your file system for the profile you created. (See this link for instructions).
  2. Connect your controller and modify the mario_kart_linux profile to work with your controller. You will likely need to select the input device make sure that all the necessary controls are working. Make sure to save the profile when you're done. If you modify the controls significantly, you may need to make changes to to ensure that the correct inputs are captured.
  3. Load the mario_kart_linux_uinput profile and then run python While this file is running, refresh the available inputs and make sure that the selected one for this profile is connected. Also make sure that your physical controller is not selected (this profile is used for input simulation). If needed, select a different controller from the list and save the profile.
  4. Go back to the main dolphin window, right click on Mario Kart Wii, and go to Properties. Navigate to Game Config and Editor, then in the User Config section, click on Presets > Editor > Open in External Editor. A file will open in your text editor. Use the text editor to find the location of this file, and make sure that GAME_INI_FILE in is set to the location of this file. This file will be overwritten to allow YoshAI to programmatically change game settings, so if you have any of your own settings in this file, back them up, and if desired, make some simple changes to to avoid deleting your data.

Save files

Included in this repo are a few save files that are used to skip programmatically navigating through the UI of Mario Kart. Each save file brings the game to the point after selecting a character, vehicle, and course. You can create your own save files by starting Mario Kart, navigating through each selection process until you reach the "Go" screen, then in the dolphin main window, go to Emulation > Save State > Save as file and enter a file name. Place the file in the corresponding directory within the data directory of this project. See the Usage section below for details on the data directory. I use the convention of naming each save file quickstart.sav and placing it in its corresponding directory, but you can name the file whatever you like as long as it uses the .sav extension.

All development of this project was done with the simplest game mode in mind: solo time trials. When creating your own save states, I recommend keeping with the simple theme. To reach the simplest possible game, make sure to select "Solo Time Trials" after picking a course instead of racing a ghost. That being said, nothing in this project precludes you from using any other single player game mode in Mario Kart. If you're feeling ambitious, you could create save states for races against AIs, or even battles. Any save state that immediately loads to the "Go" button is a valid state for YoshAI.


usage: YoshAI [-h] {collect,train,run,dagger,reformat} ...

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    collect             gather data for training
    train               train model using data
    run                 run a trained model
    dagger              gather data using a trained model
    reformat            for dev purposes only

All modes share similar course arguments, which are described next. Each mode is then described in more detail.

Course Arguments and data Directory Structure

This project uses the data directory to store the save files as well as the training data. To keep track of the various options in Mario Kart, each file is saved in a tree of options. By default, the available options are: drift mode (automatic, manual), course, character (aka player), vehicle (kart, bike), and kart. You can add to or modify this structure by changing args_to_course_opts and add_course_args in

The command line arguments for these options (referred to as the course arguments) allows you to specify what set of options you want to include in whatever task you're doing. Let's take collect mode as an example:

python collect

If you pass no course args in collect mode, the default values for each course arg will be taken. This results in running luigi circuit with mario on the classic kart in automatic mode.

python collect -d manual

Passing in a single option to one of the args will override the default. In this case, luigi circuit with mario on the classic kart in manual mode would be ran.

python collect -c luigi-circuit moo-moo-meadows

Specifying two options for one argument will tell collect mode to run twice, once with default options on luigi circuit, and once with default options on moo-moo-meadows.

python collect -k classic classic

Multiple options don't have to be different, the above command is an easy way to avoid having to restart collect mode each when you're trying to collect lots of data. In this case the course would be ran twice, generating two data files.

In collect and dagger mode, when multiple options are provided, a separate data file is created for each option. Each data file will be saved in its corresponding location in the data directory.

In train mode, multiple options will aggregate all data from all options provided into one dataset for training. The output model, regardless of number of options, is saved in exactly the path given and is not placed in the data directory by default.

In run mode, multiple options are not currently supported and will produce an error.

collect mode

usage: YoshAI collect [-h] [-d DRIFT_MODE [DRIFT_MODE ...]] [-c COURSE [COURSE ...]] [-p PLAYER [PLAYER ...]] [-v VEHICLE [VEHICLE ...]] [-k KART [KART ...]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DRIFT_MODE [DRIFT_MODE ...], --drift_mode DRIFT_MODE [DRIFT_MODE ...]
  -c COURSE [COURSE ...], --course COURSE [COURSE ...]
  -p PLAYER [PLAYER ...], --player PLAYER [PLAYER ...]
  -v VEHICLE [VEHICLE ...], --vehicle VEHICLE [VEHICLE ...]
  -k KART [KART ...], --kart KART [KART ...]

Make sure your controller is connected before starting collect mode. Dolphin will be started using the provided save file, and once YoshAI is ready to record data, a message will be printed to the terminal. After the message appears, make sure the game window is in focus, then press A. YoshAI will start recording your inputs and Dolphin will start the game. Once the course is finished, go to the terminal and press Ctrl-C to stop the recording. YoshAI will then save your final data to a file for later training.


usage: YoshAI train [-h] [-d DRIFT_MODE [DRIFT_MODE ...]] [-c COURSE [COURSE ...]] [-p PLAYER [PLAYER ...]] [-v VEHICLE [VEHICLE ...]] [-k KART [KART ...]] [-b BATCH_SIZE] [-l LEARNING_RATE] [--decay DECAY]
                    [-e EPOCHS] [-g GAMMA] [--plot] [--force_cpu] [-m MODEL_PATH] [--steer_only] [--load_model LOAD_MODEL]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DRIFT_MODE [DRIFT_MODE ...], --drift_mode DRIFT_MODE [DRIFT_MODE ...]
  -c COURSE [COURSE ...], --course COURSE [COURSE ...]
  -p PLAYER [PLAYER ...], --player PLAYER [PLAYER ...]
  -v VEHICLE [VEHICLE ...], --vehicle VEHICLE [VEHICLE ...]
  -k KART [KART ...], --kart KART [KART ...]
  -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        batch size to use for training
  -l LEARNING_RATE, --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
                        initial learning rate to use for training
  --decay DECAY         weight decay to use for training
  -e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
                        number of epochs for training
  -g GAMMA, --gamma GAMMA
                        gamma for exponential learning rate decay
  --plot                if provided, a plot of losses will be generated
  --force_cpu           forces pytorch to use cpu instead of cuda
  -m MODEL_PATH, --model_path MODEL_PATH
                        path to save or load model
  --steer_only          designates to only use the steer input
  --load_model LOAD_MODEL
                        path to load model from

Train will run for the given number of epochs and then stop. After each epoch, if the model improved, the current model will be saved to disk, meaning you can stop training at any time by Ctrl-C and still keep your best results so far.


usage: YoshAI run [-h] [-d DRIFT_MODE] [-c COURSE] [-p PLAYER] [-v VEHICLE] [-k KART] [--force_cpu] [-m MODEL_PATH] [--steer_only] [--save_video SAVE_VIDEO]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DRIFT_MODE, --drift_mode DRIFT_MODE
  -c COURSE, --course COURSE
  -p PLAYER, --player PLAYER
  -v VEHICLE, --vehicle VEHICLE
  -k KART, --kart KART
  --force_cpu           forces pytorch to use cpu instead of cuda
  -m MODEL_PATH, --model_path MODEL_PATH
                        path to save or load model
  --steer_only          designates to only use the steer input
  --save_video SAVE_VIDEO
                        save a video of each captured frame while running

Similar to collect, this mode will start dolphin, but will also start a virtual controller. Controller inputs will be predicted by the given model. The course will be automatically started, but must be stopped manually (by Ctrl-C) when it's done (or earlier). After stopping, the video will be saved if the save_video argument was provided.


usage: YoshAI dagger [-h] [-d DRIFT_MODE [DRIFT_MODE ...]] [-c COURSE [COURSE ...]] [-p PLAYER [PLAYER ...]] [-v VEHICLE [VEHICLE ...]] [-k KART [KART ...]] [--force_cpu] [-m MODEL_PATH] [--steer_only]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DRIFT_MODE [DRIFT_MODE ...], --drift_mode DRIFT_MODE [DRIFT_MODE ...]
  -c COURSE [COURSE ...], --course COURSE [COURSE ...]
  -p PLAYER [PLAYER ...], --player PLAYER [PLAYER ...]
  -v VEHICLE [VEHICLE ...], --vehicle VEHICLE [VEHICLE ...]
  -k KART [KART ...], --kart KART [KART ...]
  --force_cpu           forces pytorch to use cpu instead of cuda
  -m MODEL_PATH, --model_path MODEL_PATH
                        path to save or load model
  --steer_only          designates to only use the steer input

dagger mode runs the data augmentation step of the DAgger algorithm. It does not do any training. Suggested use is to start with collect mode, the train, then use dagger and train alternating to increase your dataset size and improve your model with the latest data.



Next Steps

  • remove numpy dependency in


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