A Slack Real Time Message API and Web API client for Elixir
Make your module use ExSlackEventsApiBot
defmodule MyModule.MyBot do
use ExSlackEventsApiBot
Define your handling events methods:
def handle_event(%{"type" => "message"} = event, user_state, bot_state) do
Use API Methods in module ExSlack.WebApi.*
to interact with Slack.
In your controller that receives events from Slack, start your Bot:
{ok, pid} = ExSlack.EventsApiBot.start_link(verification_token, team_id, bot_id, bot_access_token, MyModule.MyBot)
and process events:
ExSlack.EventsApiBot.process_event(pid, params)
Look at the Exampe App!
- Improving the interface for a WebApiBot
- Defining the basic interface for a RtmApiBot
- Defining modules to interact with different Slack Web API Methods
- Probably will work on this as needed because there are a lot of Slack API Methdos, contributions are welcome!
- An example web app
A lot of things!
Contributions are going to be very welcome! be patient. You can contact me at abadon.gutierrez@gmail.com
There is an example app of how to use this client here: [https://github.com/abadongutierrez/ExSlackExample]