ChatYou is an open source chat application.
- GIT (latest)
- Python ≥ 3.8
- Docker Desktop or (Docker Engine and Docker Compose) if run using docker
- Any code editor or IDE (PyCharm recommended for Python and Django)
- Any database client (optional)
- Redis (if run locally)
Clone the project
git clone
Change directory to the cloned project
cd ChatYou
Make a copy of the example environment variables file and call it .env
cp .env.example .env
There are two ways to use docker compose depends on the docker version:
- Docker:
docker compose up
- Locally:
create a virtual environment
cd backend
python -m venv venv
Install requirements packages after activating the virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt
migrate the model
python migrate
create a user to test with
python createsuperuser
run django server
python runserver
- go to this url:
- enter the admin user
- go to chat section click on room and click add room
- then you can go to this url:
- now you can use the room to chat with friends