A brief description of what this project does and who it's for
This project is used by the following companies:
package | work |
tailwind | css |
daisy ui | css |
react router dom | router |
react-tabs | tabs |
react-hot-toast | toasty |
react-icons | icons |
react-helmet | dynamic page title |
This project is used by the following companies:
- useState (data)
- useParams (dynamic ${id})
- useLoader (all data)
- useLocation (/pathname)
- useEffect (()=>{},[])
- useNavigate (navigate function)
- local storage data and remove
- add favorite button disabled
- sort by rating and popularity
- active tab
Install my-project with npm
└── src/
| ├── assets/
| ├── components/
| | └── Banner.jsx
| | └── Card.jsx
| | └── Categories.jsx
| | └── CoffeeCards.jsx
| | └── Footer.jsx
| | └── Heading.jsx
| | └── Navbar.jsx
| ├── layouts/
| | └── MainLayout.jsx
| ├── pages/
| | └── CoffeeDetails.jsx
| | └── Coffees.jsx
| | └── Dashboard.jsx
| | └── Home.jsx
| ├── routes/
| | └── Routes.jsx
| ├── utils/
| | └── index.js
└── Main.jsx