I'm Abhishekh, I'm a Software Engineer with a passion for solving problems and learning new things. I build things to help people and community. I have a strong background that encompasses diverse aspects of Software Engineering. I'm Seeking to heighten my experience towards becoming a Full Stack Software Engineer.
๐ฑ My current set of toolbox:
- React.js with typescript, Next.js, Node.js, npm , Express.js, MongoDB, MySQL, HTML5 & CSS3, Bootstrap, React-Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, Styled-Components, ContentFul CMS, Shopify, GraphQl, Firebase, Docker, Babel, Git, Github, Postman, Visual Studio Code, Heroku, Jest, React Testing Library
๐ฑ My future plans in learning:
- GatsbyJS, React Native, AWS Lambda, AWS Amplify, Google Cloud Platform, Kubernetes, Webpack, Microsoft Azure
๐ฑ I have also worked using the following set of tool box
- JQuery, Php, Code Ignitor, Laravel, Wordpress, Woocoommerce, XAMPP, CPanel, Sublime Text Editor
๐ซ How to reach me: ...
- Personal Site (abhishekhmaharjan.com)| abhishekhmaharjan.com
๐ Do you want me to contribute to your project? Email me at: abhishekmhrzn.14@gmail.com