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To build for the first time, one can just run `make` Once make has been run on
this directory, it will clobber the usual makeile, to rebuild the project on a
different computer/architecture run:

$ cmake .
$ make


To execute, run:
src/render -input OBJECT -output IMAGE [OPTIONS]...

Where the options are:

-size W H
	Sets width and height of image.

	W and H are integer values.
	Default is (100, 100).

-num_shadow_samples N
	Sets the number of times each ray will sample a

	Default is 0.

-num_bounces N
	Sets the number of times the ray can reflect off of
	a reflective surface.

	Default is 0.

-num_glossy_samples N
        Sets the number of times each ray will sample a
	glossy surface.

        Default is 0.

-background_color R G B
	Sets the background color, using the red, green,
	and blue values.

	R, G, and B are float values, betweeon 0 and 1.
	Default is (1, 1, 1).

-cam_pos X Y Z
	Sets the camera position.

	X, Y, and Z are float values.

-cam_dir X Y Z
	Sets the coordinates where the camera will be facing.
	For example, if X, Y, and Z are 0's, the camera will
	be looking at the center of the mesh.

	X, Y, and Z are float values.

	Note: if -cam_pos and -cam_dir are at the same coord-
	inates, the camera will be placed at a default

-cam_ori X Y Z
	Sets the camera's angle.

	X, Y, and Z are float values.
	Default is (0, 1, 0).

-gray R G B
	Turns the image into a gray-scale instead of color.
	R, G, and B sets the weight of each color's
	contribution in shading.

	R, G, and B are positive float values.
	For "normal" gray-shading, use (0, 0, 0).

-npr R G B
	Filters red, green, and blue colors to output
	only a limited range.

	If a parameter is set to a value less than 0, or
	greater than 255, the full color spectrum is used.
	Ex: -npr -1 0 0 will output a red-scale of the
	3D model

	If a parameter is set to a value between 0 and 1,
	the color will be outputed as a single shade.
	Ex: -npr 1 0 0 will output a pure red image.

	If a parameter is set to a values between 1 and 255,
	the value sets the number of shades possible for
	that color (including black).
	Ex: -npr 3 0 0 will output 3 different shades of red.

	R, G, and B are float values.
	Default is (-1, -1, -1) (no NPR).


Parallel Ray-Tracer to run on the BlueGene/L






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