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- ⬇️ For Running this repository on local
- ⬇️ Frontend - cd to totalitycorp-frontend-challenge > npm install > npm start
🐸 Tech Stack Used 🐸 -
- ReactJs - Build the Entire UI in reactJs with Javascript
- ReactBootstrap - For styling i used react-bootstrap
- FakerJs - Fetch fake or Random data from Faker.js
- Auth0 - For Authentication
- [ContextAPI] - Context API with useReducer Hook for State Management
1️⃣ .❄️Product Listing:
- Display a variety of products with images, names, prices, and "Add to Cart" buttons. Implement filters to allow users to sort products by category, price range, or ratings.
2️⃣ .❄️Shopping Cart:
- Implement a cart section to display the added products, quantities, and total cost. Allow users to increase, decrease, or remove items from the cart.
3️⃣ .❄️Checkout:
- Implement a checkout process that calculates the total cost of items in the cart. Allow users to enter shipping information and payment details.
4️⃣ .❄️User Authentication:
- Provide user registration and login functionalities.
- Display the user's name and avatar when logged in
Login | SignUp |
5️⃣ .❄️Responsive Design:
- Ensure the website is responsive and works seamlessly on both desktop and mobile devices.
- Optimize the layout for different screen sizes.
Mobile view | Tab View |