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This documentation assumes that you are already familiar with HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL basics!
Copy the contents of the script with demo folder to your FTP or localhost. I'll use a local webserver example, so let's upload the files for example to http://localhost/chat.
Create a database in MySQL (e.g.: demochat) and import the included _mysql\jquerychat.sql mysql dump file into your database. OR alternatively run these commands in your database:
Now open and set the first 6 parameters:
$sql_username = 'your_mysql_username';
$sql_password = 'your_mysql_password';
$database = 'chatdemo';
$sql_table_chat = 'chat'; // all communication store here
$sql_table_users = 'users'; // user informations
$sql_table_typing = ’typing'; // „typing” information store - all users to all users (script automatically update, u can create this table without any data)
Finally call http://localhost/chat (or the URL where you uploaded the files). You'll see 4 demo page with sample usernames. You have to open each username in a different browser (because of PHP sessions) and you can start chatting with yourself by clicking on a username!
Don't worry, it's not difficult to set up, just follow these steps and you're done in a few minutes.
First of all let's insert the CSS files in the head section of your HTML document. These must be present on all of your pages where you want to use the chat!
Now insert jQuery library, Chat application and also in the head section of your HTML document. These must be present on all of your pages where you want to use the chat!
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/**jquery.min.js**"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/**jquery.ajax_chat.js**"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="****"></script>
Now add the following code to the first line in all the pages where you'll use the chat:
// Load MySQL DB settings
// Set current user - You should set these values from users database after login
_$SESSION['username'] = 'Currently logged in users's username from database';
_$SESSION['user_id'] = 'Currently logged in user's id';
That's it! To print online users, you need to do it like this:
_$users = mysql_query("SELECT id,username FROM ".$sql_table_users." WHERE chat_status='online' AND id!='".$SESSION['user_id']."'");
if(mysql_num_rows($users) > 0){
while($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($users)){
print ''.$user['username'].'
It's important to use tag like that, because alt attribute contains the partner's user ID and username and chat_user class tells the script to open a chat window.
Here's a list of the database tables, files and their functions to know where to look for things if you want to change something.
Users MySQL table
ID: unique user ID number to identify them
username: user's username
chat_status: user's status. By default it's offline, when user logged in it's online
offlineshift: Need shift offline message sent time (if user reload page, or navigate other page in site, partners not have offline message. Offline message send only if current time is over offlineshift time)
Chat MySQL table
ID: unique ID for messages
from_id: the ID of the user who sent the message
to_id: the ID of the user who should receive the message
message: the content of message
sent: when the message has been sent (UNIX timestamp format)
recd: 0 if user haven't received the message yet, 1 if user received it. This is how script knows if there are any unreceived messages from a previous chat session
system_message: it's used to display system messages. In this case the message appears with another color.
Typing MySQL table
typing_from: user ID who type
typing_to: Partner ID to have „typing” message
typing_ornot: „typing_from user” type or not ( 0 or 1)
index.php, demo.php, demo2.php, demo3.php: demo files MySQL and other settings. This is where you can add smileys.
is_typing.php: this PHP file is called via AJAX to check if our chatpartner is typing to us right now
load_message.php: this PHP file is called via AJAX to load messages
load_popup_message.php: this PHP file is called via AJAX to check if current user has any unread messages this script pass current user's ID to Javascript
send_message.php: this PHP file is called via AJAX to send messages
is_typing**.php** this php file update user typing status (called via AJAX)
set_status.php: this PHP file is called via AJAX to set online (on page load) or offline (on page leave) status. In v1.3 manage oflineshift time. Partners never have offline message if user only reload page or navigate other page in site.
chat.css: this CSS stylesheet contains the chat window stylings
reset.css: a general CSS to set all element's padding to 0
jquery.min.js: jQuery library for easy Javascript
jquery.ajax_chat.js: the chat core