Rasa X deployment in Docker Swarm Cluster + Traefik Load Balancer
Before we start with the deployment of the service it is important to check out the deployment.env file and set up
the enviroment variables we desire. It is IMPORTANT to change the default tokens, you can use command openssl rand -base64 32
to create new secrets.
In order to access Rasa X, we need to set up our password. By default the community version create the user me
and we need to create a password for it.
It is important to be in the docker swarm node where the container is running.
docker stack ps rasax
Then we need to know the Rasa X container ID.
docker ps | grep rasa-x
Access the container
docker exec -it CONTAINER-ID bash
Once inside of the container we just need to update/create the password
python ./scripts/manage_users.py create --update me YOU_PASSWORD admin
after that you will be able to access Rasa X dashboard using your new password.
Rasa X does not run the container as privileged user, instead of that they run as user 1001. Really good security practice
Because of that it is necessary to change file/folder ownership in our volume storage.
In our example docker compose rasa-x.yml
we are using the path /data/rasa-test/app/
as our volume storage.
We just need to run the command in our docker swarm node
chown -R 1001:root /data/rasa-test/app/