This is a python script made to rice a blank fedora install into my custom hyprland configuration.
- Allows DNF to update from fastest mirrors
- Adds +10 max parallel downloads
- Adds rpmfusion to repos
- Adds Flathub to repos
- Copies dotfliles into ~/.config
Installs: - Oh_My_zsh
- with zsh-autosuggestions plugin
- powerlevel10k plugin
- 25 fonts, for developers and smooth looking
- Catppuccin themes
- candy-icons
- Hyrland
- hyprcursor ,hypridle, hyprlang, hyprloc, hyprpaper, hyprpicker, hyprutils
- Waybar
- Finally installs all programs given in data.config
git clone && cd rice-cook
chmod +x && sudo ./
sudo pip3 install -r requierements.txt
sudo python3
Should look like this .
Need to correct ownership of home directory
sudo chown -R user:user ~/home/username