This is the capstone React Project. It demonstrates the use of React, Redux, API calls to build a mobile app that shows crypto coins market capitalizations, volumes, and more, from a handful of cryptocurrencies.
- HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6
- React, Redux
- Using GitHub, Git, GitFlow, VS Code
- Coinpaprika API 1.7.0
To get a local copy up and running follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your hard drive.
- Execute 'npm install' to install all packages in the 'dependencies' and 'devDependencies' sections of the 'package.json' file and be able to make changes to the project.
- Execute 'npm start' to compile and view the page in a browser.
- Use Visual Code or another editor to edit the individual files in the 'src' folder.
👤 Aldo Colombo
- GitHub: @acolombo1
- Twitter: @aldocolombo
- LinkedIn: Aldo Colombo
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Original design idea by Nelson Sakwa on Behance.
This project is MIT licensed.