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An easy to use lightweight web testing framework for Node, designed for speed, maintainability and collaboration.


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Moonraker Logo

An easy to use lightweight web testing framework for Node, designed for speed, maintainability and collaboration. Bringing together everything you need out of the box - familiar BDD features/scenarios, a simple page object library, parallel testing and pretty reports.

Integrating Yadda, Selenium-Webdriver, Mocha & Chai.

Latest version

The current version of Moonraker is 0.3.3. Recent changes include:

  • Russian report translations and step lookup fix by vectart.
  • Offline report update by poum.


Moonraker can be installed via npm - $ npm install moonraker, or add moonraker to your package.json.

Example project

You will find a full example project in the example/basic directory with everything you need to start using Moonraker - sample feature, step definitions, page objects and config in a suggested project structure.

The example tests use Chrome, so you will need the latest chromedriver downloaded and available on your path.

npm install then npm test from within the example directory to run the sample feature.


Moonraker is configured using a config.json file in your project root:

  "baseUrl": "",
  "featuresDir": "tests/features",
  "stepsDir": "tests/steps",
  "resultsDir": "results",
  "reporter": "moonraker",
  "threads": 1,

  "tags": "@booking",

  "testTimeout": 60000,
  "elementTimeout": 5000,

  "browser": {
    "browserName": "chrome",
    "chromeOptions": {
      "args": ["--no-sandbox"]
  • baseUrl - Your base url, page object urls will be relative to this.*
  • featuresDir - The path to your features directory.*
  • stepsDir - The path to your step definitions directory.*
  • resultsDir - The path you'd like your results output to. (Default: /results)
  • reporter - The reporter type you'd like Moonraker to use (more on this below).
  • threads - The number of threads you'd like to run with. (Default: 1)
  • tags - Optional: Comma seperated list of feature tags (more on this below).
  • testTimeout - The maximum test (scenario step) timeout before its marked as a fail (ms). (Default: 60000)
  • elementTimeout - The maximum time selenium will continuously try to find an element on the page (ms). (Default: 3000)
  • browser - An object describing your browser desired capabilities.*
  • seleniumServer - Optional: Address of your remote selenium standalone server.
  • language - Optional: sets the language to use (default: English).

* - Required.

The example configuration above assumes using Chrome directly, to connect to a remote selenium server just add your server address to your config.json:

"seleniumServer": "".

You can use this to connect to cloud service providers like Saucelabs and Browserstack. Please see below for example browser configurations.

You can also set which language to use, using language, if you intend to use non English feature & step definition files. A full list of supported languages is available here.

All of Moonraker's configuration options can be overridden when running your tests (see below) if you add command line args (e.g: --baseUrl= or --browser.browserName=phantomjs) or have set environment variables. They will take preference over the config.json, in that order - command line args > env vars > config.

You can also add whatever you like to the config and access it in your code using: var config = require('moonraker').config;.

Run your tests

To start Moonraker run $ node node_modules/moonraker/bin/moonraker.js, or to make things easier you can add a shortcut in your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "node node_modules/moonraker/bin/moonraker"

... so you can simply run $ npm test. Note, you cannot pass command line args using the $ npm test shortcut.

Writing your tests

Tests for Moonraker are written using Yadda, a BDD implementation very similar to Cucumber and run using the Mocha JavaScript test framework.

Just like Cucumber, Yadda maps ordinary language steps to code, but can be quite flexible by not limiting you to a certain syntax (Given, When, Then) and allowing you to define your own...

Feature: Searching from the homepage

  Scenario: Simple Search

    Given I visit the home page
    When I search for 'Manchester'
    Whatever language I like here
exports.define = function (steps) {

  steps.given("I visit the home page", function () {
    // some code

  steps.when("I search for '$query'", function (query) {
    // some code

  steps.define("Whatever language I like here", function() {
    // some code


Although Yadda can support multiple libraries, Moonraker currently loads all step definitions found in your steps directory into one big shared library, just like Cucumber, so you have to be careful of step name clashes.

Page objects

Moonraker makes full use of the Page Object pattern to model and abstract interactions with pages to reduce duplicated code and make tests easy to update as and when the UI changes.

To create a page object:

// tests/pages/home.js
var Page = require('moonraker').Page;

module.exports = new Page({

  url: { value: '/' },

  txtSearch: { get: function () { return this.element("input[id='txtSearch']"); } },
  btnSearch: { get: function () { return this.element('btn-primary', 'className'); } },

  searchFor: { value: function (query) {


Each page has a url, some elements and any convenient methods that you may require.

Elements are found by css selector (or optionally another locator type can be specified) and return a selenium web-element which can be interacted with as per usual. A full reference can be found below.

You can then use your page objects in your step definitions:

// tests/steps/home-search-steps.js
var homePage = require('../pages/home'),
    searchResults = require('../pages/search-results');

exports.define = function (steps) {

  steps.given("I visit the home page", function () {

  steps.when("I search for '$query'", function (query) {
    // Or use homePage.searchFor(query);

  steps.then("I should see '$heading' in the heading", function (heading) {
    searchResults.heading.getText().then(function (text) {



Components are exactly like page objects and allow you to group elements together into a component, then add that component itself to a page object.

// tests/pages/components/nav.js
var Component = require('moonraker').Component

module.exports = new Component({

  selLanguage: { get: function () { return this.element('.locale select'); } },
  selCurrency: { get: function () { return this.element('.currency select'); } }

// tests/pages/home.js
var Page = require('moonraker').Page,
    nav = require('./components/nav');

module.exports = new Page({

  url: { value: '/' },
  nav: { get: function () { return this.component(nav, "section[class='header']"); } },


Components are added to a page just like elements are but using: this.component(component, rootNode) where 'component' is your component object, and 'rootNode' is a css selector representing your components root node on the page.

All elements in your component are then scoped to this rootNode, so in the above example the element selLanguage with its .locale select selector is only found within the section[class='header'] element.

Your components can then be re-used across your page-objects and could appear in different places on the page.

Using your components:

// tests/steps/home-search-steps.js
var homePage = require('../pages/home');

exports.define = function (steps) {

  steps.given("I visit the home page", function () {

  steps.when("I select my currency", function () {;
    // etc..


Feature Tags

Moonraker supports feature tags to help keep things organized and allow you to selectively run certain features:

Feature: Searching from the homepage

  Scenario: Simple Search

    Given I visit the home page

In your config.json (or overridden by command-line args / environment variables) you can specify "tags": "@testing" to only run features with that tag or use '!@testing' to ignore those features. You can also use a comma seperated list - @accounts,@booking etc. Features tagged as @Pending will be skipped but included as pending features in the Moonraker test report.


The 'should' style of the Chai assertion library is available to use in your step definitions.


You can use CoffeeScript for your step definitions and page objects if you prefer:

# /pages/
Page = require('moonraker').Page

module.exports = new Page

  url: value: '/'

  txtSearch: get: () -> @element "input[id='txtSearch']"
  btnSearch: get: () -> @element ".btn-primary"

  searchFor: value: (query) ->
    @txtSearch.sendKeys query
# /steps/
homePage = require '../pages/home'
searchResults = require '../pages/search-results'

exports.define = (steps) ->

  steps.given "I visit the home page", () ->

  steps.when "I search for '$query'", (query) ->
    homePage.txtSearch.sendKeys query

  steps.then "I should see '$heading' in the heading", (heading) ->
    searchResults.heading.getText().then (text) ->
      text.should.equal heading

Saucelabs / Browserstack integration

To run your tests on cloud service providers like Saucelabs and Browserstack you just need to configure Moonraker with the correct seleniumServer address and browser capabilities that include your username/access key:


"seleniumServer": "",

  "browser": {
    "username": "USERNAME",
    "accessKey": "KEY",
    "browserName": "safari",
    "version": "8.0",
    "platform": "OS X 10.10"


"seleniumServer": "",

  "browser": {
    "browserstack.user": "USERNAME",
    "browserstack.key": "KEY",
    "browserName": "Safari",
    "browser_version": "8.0",
    "os": "OS X",
    "os_version": "Yosemite",
    "resolution": "1920x1080"

Note: As you can see in these examples each provider specifies capabilites differently so you will need to refer to your provider documentation:

Running your tests in parallel

Moonraker was designed with speed in mind and supports testing in parallel. To take advantage of this you simply need to increase the number of threads in the config.

Moonraker will split your feature files over the amount of threads set and starts a new child process (and browser) for each. If you have 4 feature files and want to use 2 threads, 2 features will be executed per thread / browser etc.

Parallel testing works as expected for remote driver connections just as it does locally. If you have powerful enough hardware to run your tests on and a large, high performing selenium grid instance to open connections to, you can dramatically reduce your test execution time.

At best, you will only be as quick as your longest running feature though, so if you have features with tons of scenarios in them you should think about breaking them down into smaller more manageable feature files.


As the tests are run using Mocha, you can use any of Mocha's reporters. Just set the required reporter in the config. As Mocha is designed to run serially though you will experience issues when running Moonraker in parallel, so Moonraker comes with its own custom reporter for Mocha.

To use it set the reporter in your config to moonraker. This reporter includes a Mocha spec-like console output and a html report saved to your results directory:

Moonraker report

The html report includes details of any errors and embedded browser screenshots.

If you are using Moonraker in a non English language (set in the config) the report will try to find matching translations from this file, defaulting to English if any are missing. Please feel free to contribute any translations that you may require.

Page object reference

As the examples show, all interactions with page elements (and the underlying driver) are abstracted away in your page objects. When you create a page object you have various ways of attaching elements to it so they can be interacted with in your step definitions:

var Page = require('moonraker').Page;

module.exports = new Page({

  url: { value: '/search' },

  aTxtInput:  { get: function () { return this.element("input[id='txtSearch']"); } },
  buttons:    { get: function () { return this.elements("button"); } },
  aSelect:    { get: function () { return"select[name='rt-child']"); } },
  aComponent: { get: function () { return this.component(yourComponent, "div[class='container']"); } },

  onLoad: { value: function () {
    // Some code to run immediately after the page is loaded.
  } }

  • Setting a url value is for when you call visit() on your page object. e.g: examplePage.visit();. These url's are relative to the baseUrl set in your config, but if you set a full url like the baseUrl will be ignored. Additionally, visit() can take an optional query object: examplePage.visit({ foo: 'bar', baz: 'qux' }); will visit http://yourBaseUrl/search?foo=bar&baz=qux.

  • element(selector, type) - is used to find a specific element by selector type and returns a selenium webelement. The type is optional and if not supplied the default of 'css' is used (as in the examples above). You can specify another locator type if required - this.element('//a/b/c', 'xpath'). Elements are then accessed from your page objects:;. All of Selenium's locator types are supported.

  • elements(selector, type) - is used to find all elements on the page that satisfy the selector and returns a collection of selenium webelements. e.g:

examplePage.buttons.then(function (elems) {
  elems.forEach(function (elem) {
    // etc..
  • select(selector, type) - is the same as element but adds a helper selectOption(optionValue) to the element to enable easy option selection. e.g: examplePage.aSelect.selectOption(3);

  • component(yourComponent, rootNode) - Attaches a component you have defined to your page. Please see components.

There are some additional helper methods you can use:

  • title(handler) - To get the page title. e.g:
examplePage.title(function (t) {
  • waitFor(fn, timeout) - Exposes selenium's driver.wait, to explicitly wait for a specific condition to be true. e.g:
search: { value: function (query) {
    var _this = this;
    this.waitFor(function () {
      return _this.aTxtInput.isDisplayed();
    }, 5000);
} }
  • alert() - Attempts to switch to the current alert dialog. e.g: examplePage.alert.accept();.
  • onLoad() - An optional function you can define that is run when the page is loaded.

Components are the same and have access to the same element methods, but not the page specific ones: visit(), title(), alert() & component(). Please see the official selenium webdriver documentation for further information on working with elements.

Session reference

Moonraker uses a session object to group functions related to the current test session and can be used in your step definitions etc:

var session = require('moonraker').session;
session.resizeWindow(320, 480);
  • execute(fn) - Adds any function to webdriver's control flow. Please see control flows.
  • defer() - Returns a webdriver.promise.defer() object. Please see deferred objects.
  • resizeWindow(x, y) - Resizes the browser window. By default its maximized.
  • refresh() - Refreshes the current page.
  • saveScreenshot(filename) - Saves a screenshot to /yourResultsDir/screenshots/filename. This is called automatically on test failure.
  • deleteAllCookies() - Deletes all cookies.
  • addCookie(name, value, optDomain, optPath, optIsSecure, optExpiry) - Adds a cookie.
  • getCookie(name) - Gets a cookie by name.
  • currentUrl(handler) - Gets the current url as a parsed url object. e.g:
session.currentUrl(function (url) {
  • savePerfLog(filename) - Saves the driver performance logs to /yourResultsDir/perf_logs/filename. This has been tested with Chrome to import logs into a local instance of webpagetest to generate performance waterfall charts etc.


  • Further element helpers - integrating the new until module.
  • Further example features, steps & pages.


An easy to use lightweight web testing framework for Node, designed for speed, maintainability and collaboration.







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  • JavaScript 67.1%
  • HTML 17.1%
  • CSS 14.6%
  • Gherkin 1.2%