The initial commit was made on 22.07.2023
This repository contains scripts for analysis and figures of the paper It takes two (seconds): Decreasing Encoding Time for Two-Choice FNIRS BCI Communication.
Real-time analysis of encoded answers was performed using TurboSatori.
Most figures were created using Python and Jupyter notebooks. Figure 6 was created using Matlab. All figures not included here were created manually.
If you use this code or parts of it, please cite:
Vorreuther, A., et al. (2023). It takes two (seconds): Decreasing Encoding Time for Two-Choice FNIRS-BCI Communication. ....
BibTex here
The code was written on a Windows system. Known and successfully tested minimum requirements are
- Matlab (version 2020b)
- NeuroElf
- SPM12
- in-house functions to load NIRx files onto Matlab that can be found here:
- Python (version 3.9.7)
- see requirements.txt
Check that all required toolboxes and software are installed and running. Make sure that all directories are existing and containing the required data. For help, refer to the respective website and documentation.