Logchain is a GRPC adapter for clickhouse and postgres for sinking and persisting application logs.
- When applications are deployment on-premise or on customer side. Logchain provides visibility into Errors for application support without additional infrastructure
- For small/medium applications that do not need huge logging infrastructure but still need visibility.
Install logchain using the following command:
go install github.com/adaptive-scale/logchain@1.0.3
Alternatively, you can setup the whole stack as follows:
docker stack deploy logchain --compose-file ./dev/docker-compose.yaml
This will start the logchain server on port 9090, clickhouse on port 8123 and grafana at port 3000.
For golang client, import the logchain client as follows:
package main
import (
func main() {
conn, err := grpc.Dial("localhost:9090", grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials()))
if err != nil {
logrus.Fatalf("did not connect: %v", err)
c := logchain.NewLogChainClient(conn)
hook := logchainhook.NewLogChainHook("app=name", c, logrus.ErrorLevel)
logrus.WithField("key", "value").Error("error message")
You can select the clickhouse as datasource and then use the following query to get the logs:
SELECT app_name, date(timestamp) dt, message, labels, count(message) cnt FROM logchain.log_stores group by app_name, dt, message, labels order by dt desc, cnt desc LIMIT 100
The output of the query looks as follows: