This repository contains the my leanings on Data-structure and algorithm with 100days of coding challenge
Day 1 : Creating custom HashMap ( ManjuMap :-)) I have create the custome hashmap( ManjuMap which will performs all the put and get function )
Day 2 : Creating resizable Array In order to resize the Array:
- insert : When Array is full then double the size of the array and copy all the items
- remove : When the Array is qudrilatral size then halve the size of the array.
Implentation of Queue Using Linked List: Enqueue : Insert the element at the end of list. Dequeue : Delete the element from the beginning
Day 3: Selection sort 1.Take the first element as the Min then compare that with rest of the array. 2.If you found that if left element in the right array is less than element in the left array then exchchnage
Insertion Sort :
Take the each element from the right array and place it in proper position at that left array