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Arunava Dey edited this page Jun 17, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to the what_if_mortgage_analysis wiki!


Mortgage Dataset analysis using Tensorflow and What-If Tool on Google Cloud Platform

Challenge posed by Google:

In this notebook, you will use mortgage data from NY in 2017 to create two binary classifiers to determine if a mortgage applicant will be granted a loan.

You will train a classifier on two datasets. One is trained on the complete dataset, while the other is trained on a subset of the dataset where 90% of the female applicants that were granted a loan were removed from the training data (so the training data has 90% less females that were granted loans).

You will then compare the two models using the What-If Tool.

Both models are trained on their respective datasets and then are to be compared using the What-If Tool.

Tensorflow v2.2 Documentation:

What-If Tool Documentation:

Deploying models to AI Platform