Open Palm translates hand gestures into computer commands allowing for a touchless user interface.
Mouse movement, click, and other gestures.
- Webcam (or iPhone camera through continuity camera!) is used for input.
- Each frame is then processed and checked for
- hand presence (is there a hand in the frame?)
- handedness (left or right)
- position (only right hand -> for mouse movement)
- gesture recognition (what gesture is being displayed?)
- The recognized gestures are then mapped to certain computer commands.(click, scroll, etc.)
Comprehensive Explanation of Code
Camera Setup:
- The script initializes the camera using OpenCV (cv2) to capture the video feed.
Gesture Recognition Initialization:
- MediaPipe's hands module ( is employed to recognize hand landmarks in each frame.
Gesture Recognition Model Loading:
- A gesture recognition model is loaded from the specified path (MODEL_PATH) using MediaPipe's GestureRecognizer.
Frame Processing Loop:
- The script enters a continuous loop to process each frame from the camera feed.
Frame Preprocessing:
- Each frame is flipped horizontally for consistent orientation.
- The script defines a region of interest (ROI) on the frame where hand gestures are monitored.
Hand Landmark Detection:
- The hand landmarks within the ROI are detected using the MediaPipe hands module.
- The landmarks' positions are adjusted to match the coordinates of the ROI.
Mouse Movement Calculation: If a right-handed gesture is recognized:
- The base of the palm is identified, and its position is used to determine the new mouse coordinates.
- The script calculates the new mouse position within a dead zone, ensuring small hand movements don't trigger mouse actions.
- The pyautogui library is then used to move the mouse to the new coordinates.
Gesture Recognition and Action Mapping:
- The MediaPipe hands module processes the hand landmarks and recognizes gestures asynchronously.
- Recognized gestures are mapped to specific actions (e.g., scrolling, clicking, or navigating tabs) based on the hand's position and the recognized gesture category.
Display Feedback:
- The script overlays real-time feedback on the camera feed, showing the ROI and a sub-rectangle for hand detection.
- Information about the current frames per second (FPS), handedness, recognized gesture, and its score is displayed on the camera feed.
Continuous Execution:
- The loop continues processing frames until the user interrupts by pressing 'q'.
Resource Cleanup:
- Upon completion, the script releases the camera resources and closes the MediaPipe hands instance.
Currently supported actions
- click
- scroll up
- scroll down
- next tab
- previous tab
- next desktop
- previous desktop
- close tab
- Deadzone, so minimal movements don't affect mouse position when trying to click something.
OpenCV, MediaPipe and PyAutoGui