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Docs: Summary Parameters
# name
The summary name is shown in summary header, attribute list, record sorting, etc. If the records have an attribute with the same name, then that value is used to create the summary. If not, the "value" parameter also needs to be specified.
Note: This parameter must be defined for all summaries. Summaries can be indexed in JS using (kshf.Browser).summaries_by_name[name]
# value
string OR function
{ name: "Protein", value: "Protein (gr)", unitName: "gr"} // rename attribute name when both name and value are string
{ name: "Implementation Status", value: "impl_status_chrome"} // same as above
{ name: "Link count", value: function(){ return this.links.length; }} // custom computation
{ name: "Average Travel Minutes", value: function(){ return this['Total Travel Minutes']/this['# Riders']; } } // custom
# description
The description of the data (attribute) presented in the summary. This is shown in the summary header ( i ) info button mouse-over.
Default: No description
Example: {name: "Carat", description: "Weight of the diamond"}
# panel
"left" OR "right" OR "middle" OR "bottom"
The browser panel that this summary will be inserted to. The order of the summary within a panel depends on its position in the summary specifications.
Default: left
# collapsed
true OR false
If set to true, the summary will be collapsed (only header / name shown) on load.
Default: false
# catSplit
string OR regular expression
If defined, the retrieved value per record is split using the provided string or regular expression to generate multiple values for each record. For example, splitting "A+B+C" by "+" creates three separate values for this record: "A","B","C". The relationships between these values can be explored using the set-pair matrix, shown when the "tag" icon in upper right corner of the summary is clicked.
// splits by ", "
{ name: "Keywords", catSplit: ", "}
// splits by regular expression that requires a comma and an optional space that follows
{ name: "Co-Author", catSplit: /,\b/g }
# catTableName
If defined, the retrieved value per record is used as look-up index in the catTableName table.
Default: None
# catLabel
object OR string OR function
If you have a separate table that describes labels or if you want to use abbreviations, you can define a function which returns the label of a given category. If defined as a function, the categorical value (label) is available as this.id
Default: None
{ name: "Fatal?", catLabel: { Y: "Yes", N: "No"} }
Here, the data includes "Y" and "N" values for "Fatal?" attribute. The summary converts the labels from Y->Yes , and N->No.
{ name: "Road Surface Condition", catTableName: "RoadSurface", catLabel: "name"}
This summary show record attributes called "Road Surface Condition", looks-up in a table called "RoadSurface", and returns the "name" attribute in this lookup table to display the value on the browser.
... catLabel: function(){ return ((this.id%4===0)?"Winter ":"Summer ")+this.id; } }
This function gets a numeric value (a year) and adds either "Winter " or "Summer " before the number.
#### catTooltip
string OR function
The tooltip is shown on mouse-over on a category. You can use this function to define the tooltip text. Defined in similar way to catLabel.
Default: None
#### catSortBy
Default: None (dynamic order by value)
{ name: "Population", catSortBy: [ "1,000-10,000", "10,000-25,000", "25,000-50,000", "50,000+"] },
// _demo.Month_id is an array that describes month order
{ name: "Month", catSortBy: _demo.Month_id },
// sort by number
{ name: "Cylinders", catSortBy: "id" },
// sort by (integer) value
{ name: "Session", catSortBy: "id", catLabel: {1: "1st", 2: "2nd"} },
// multiple sorting options
..., catSortBy: [ { name: "# of Screenings" }, { name: "Close to me", value: function(){ return ...; } }
#### catHeight
The pixel-height of a category in this summary. Default is 18.
#### minAggrValue
If set, the categorical values are filtered by the aggregate value. Default is one (categories with at least one record are shown).
#### optimumTickWidth
(in pixels)
Default: 50
#### label
Only used when using an interval summary as sorting option in record display.
#### intervalScale
"linear" OR "log"
Default*: Auto-set by data distribution
#### unitName
(TODO). Examples are "$", "kg", "%", "ft", etc.
Default: None
#### showPercentile
true OR false
#### timeFormat
Converts the string values of the summary to date objects using the format specified in d3.time.format.
Default: None
{ name: "Year" timeFormat: "%Y" },
{ name: "Date", timeFormat: "%m/%d/%Y" },
{ name: "Start Date", timeFormat: "%b-%y }
Default: True
# sortColWidth
# textSearch
string OR summaryBlock
# displayType
list OR grid
# recordView
string OR function
Function that takes a data record, and returns an html describing how an item should appear on the display.
# sortBy
# scatterBy
# onDOM
# detailsToggle
"one" OR "zoom" OR "off"
Default: "off"
# showRank
true OR false
# type
"categorical" OR "interval"
This value is detected automatically depending on the retrieved record value for this summary, or whether type-specific attributes are set. There may be some cases where an explicit conversion is necessary.
- The API is case dependent, i.e. title-Title-TITLE are different, and only 'title' is correct.
Mehmet Adil Yalcin - HCIL - University of Maryland, College Park