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Kim Oliver Drechsel edited this page Jan 27, 2023 · 6 revisions

akp - Project Overview

This wiki documents the usage of our kubernetes clusters (akp - adorsys kubernetes platform).

If you get stuck using our documentation/cluster, you can get help in slack:

🚒 #ops

With this setup we'll provide for you:

  • a solution to deploy your application in kubernetes (argoCD)
  • https endpoints for the (public) access of your application

Developer Documentation

Check out the Developer Documentation to get started. There's everything documented for adorsys developers.


We also provide a Quickstart documentation, if you know what you're doing and only need a step by step overview


Before you start, you need to have the following tooling ready:

  • Compiled application in a dockerimage
  • Kubernetes manifests to deploy with helm or kustomize
  • A Gitlab or Github Repo to these kubernetes manifests

We can help with a CI solution and everything else. But this is not the scope of this documentation

Ops Documentation

Initial Setup


This is done once(!) and here for documentation purpose only. If we switch aws accounts or basic infrastructure, some tasks might be neccessary again.

Terraform should run with YOUR IAM profile configured:

# in the root folder of this repo
export AWS_PROFILE=new-profile
terraform init
terraform apply

Further information is available in #56.

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