in this bootcamp you will learn the basics the react.js library for building user interfaces
before starting make sure you have the following tools:
to do your exercies you should use Create React App or you can just use an online code editor like to run Your react app.
Each exercise is a small react application containing the following files:
- index.js: represents the entry file for the entire exercise.
- contains exercise instructions.
Every exercise falls into one or multiple categories of React.js main concepts or others that we think front-end developers should know!
Please take your time of understanding every concept and how it works before writing the answer!
- adding-style
- event-handling
- ref
- hello-world
- page-layout
DOM EventsReferencesstyle attribute
- hello-jsx
- array-of-objects
- array-of-html
- rendring-object
- user-card
- conditional-rendering
- adding-style
style prop
- function-component
- component-properties
- children
- prop-types
Children- Transferring props(not required)
Property validation / default props
- Mounting
- Updating
- state
- side-effects
- ref
- context
State HookEffect hookuseRefuseContext- memo hooks(not required)
- useReducer(not required)
- Building your own hooks(not required)
- Basic
- Nesting
- URL params
- Link
- config
- Navigation
- store
- Provider
- state
- reducers
- Middleware
- finish all react conecpts
- react router
- redux