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Material Definition with Automatic Differentiation (AD)

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matADi is a simple Python module which acts as a wrapper on top of casADi for easy definitions of hyperelastic strain energy functions. Gradients (stresses) and hessians (elasticity tensors) are carried out by casADi's powerful and fast Automatic Differentiation (AD) capabilities. It is designed to handle inputs with trailing axes which is especially useful for the application in Python-based finite element modules like scikit-fem or FElupe. Mixed-field formulations are supported as well as single-field formulations.


Install matADi from PyPI via pip.

pip install matadi


First, a symbolic variable on which our strain energy function will be based on has to be created.

Note: A variable of matADi is an instance of a symbolic variable of casADi (casadi.SX.sym). All matadi.math functions are simple links to (symbolic) casADi-functions.

from matadi import Variable, Material
from matadi.math import det, transpose, trace

F = Variable("F", 3, 3)

Next, take your favorite paper on hyperelasticity or be creative and define your own strain energy density function as a function of some variables x (where x is always a list of variables).

def neohooke(x, mu=1.0, bulk=200.0):
    """Strain energy density function of a nearly-incompressible 
    Neo-Hookean isotropic hyperelastic material formulation."""

    F = x[0]
    J = det(F)
    C = transpose(F) @ F
    I1_iso = J ** (-2 / 3) * trace(C)

    return mu * (I1_iso - 3) + bulk * (J - 1) ** 2 / 2

With this simple Python function at hand, we create an instance of a Material, which allows extra args and kwargs to be passed to our strain energy function. This instance now enables the evaluation of both gradient (stress) and hessian (elasticity) via methods based on automatic differentiation - optionally also on input data containing trailing axes. If necessary, the strain energy density function itself will be evaluated on input data with optional trailing axes by the function method.

Mat = Material(
    kwargs={"mu": 1.0, "bulk": 10.0},

# init some random deformation gradients
defgrad = np.random.rand(3, 3, 5, 100) - 0.5

for a in range(3):
    defgrad[a, a] += 1.0

W = Mat.function([defgrad])[0]
P = Mat.gradient([defgrad])[0]
A = Mat.hessian([defgrad])[0]

Template classes for hyperelasticity

matADi provides several simple template classes suitable for simple hyperelastic materials. Some common isotropic hyperelastic material formulations are located in matadi.models (see list below). These strain energy functions have to be passed as the fun argument into an instance of MaterialHyperelastic. Usage is exactly the same as described above. To convert a hyperelastic material based on the deformation gradient into a mixed three-field formulation suitable for nearly-incompressible behavior (displacements, pressure and volume ratio) an instance of a MaterialHyperelastic class has to be passed to ThreeFieldVariation.

from matadi import MaterialHyperelastic, ThreeFieldVariation
from matadi.models import neo_hooke

# init some random data
pressure = np.random.rand(5, 100)
volratio = np.random.rand(5, 100) / 10 + 1

kwargs = {"C10": 0.5, "bulk": 20.0}

NH = MaterialHyperelastic(fun=neo_hooke, **kwargs)

W = NH.function([defgrad])[0]
P = NH.gradient([defgrad])[0]
A = NH.hessian([defgrad])[0]

W_upJ = ThreeFieldVariation(NH).function([defgrad, pressure, volratio])
P_upJ = ThreeFieldVariation(NH).gradient([defgrad, pressure, volratio])
A_upJ = ThreeFieldVariation(NH).hessian([defgrad, pressure, volratio])

Available isotropic hyperelastic material models:

Available anisotropic hyperelastic material models:

  • Fiber
  • Fiber-family (+/- combination of single Fiber)

Any user-defined isotropic hyperelastic strain energy density function may be passed as the fun argument of MaterialHyperelastic by using the following template:

def fun(F, **kwargs):
    # user code
    return W


Please have a look at casADi's documentation. It is very powerful but unfortunately does not support all the Python stuff you would expect. For example Python's default if-else-statements can't be used in combination with symbolic conditions (use math.if_else(cond, if_true, if_false) instead).