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Antonio edited this page May 30, 2017 · 1 revision


This package contains types for identifying the different algorithms implemented in CryptAda.



Enumeration that identifies the different Text_Encoders implemented in CryptAda.

   type Encoder_Id is
         TE_Hexadecimal,         -- Hexadecimal text encoder.
         TE_Base16,              -- Base16 text encoder.
         TE_Base64,              -- Base64 text encoder.
         TE_MIME                 -- MIME encoder.


Enumeration that identifies the different message digest algorithms implemented in CryptAda.

   type Digest_Algorithm_Id is
         MD_MD2,                 -- RSA MD2 message digest
         MD_MD4,                 -- RSA MD4 message digest
         MD_MD5,                 -- RSA MD5 message digest
         MD_RIPEMD_128,          -- RIPEMD 128 bit
         MD_RIPEMD_160,          -- RIPEMD 160 bit
         MD_RIPEMD_256,          -- RIPEMD 256 bit
         MD_RIPEMD_320,          -- RIPEMD 320 bit
         MD_SHA_1,               -- SHA-1
         MD_Tiger,               -- Tiger (generic)
         MD_HAVAL,               -- HAVAL (generic).
         MD_Snefru,              -- Snefru (Generic)
         MD_SHA_224,             -- SHA-224 (SHA-2).
         MD_SHA_256,             -- SHA-256 (SHA-2).
         MD_SHA_384,             -- SHA-384 (SHA-2).
         MD_SHA_512,             -- SHA-512 (SHA-2).
         MD_SHA_3,               -- SHA-3
         MD_Whirlpool,           -- Whirlpool
         MD_BLAKE_224,           -- BLAKE-224
         MD_BLAKE_256,           -- BLAKE-256
         MD_BLAKE_384,           -- BLAKE-384
         MD_BLAKE_512,           -- BLAKE-512
         MD_BLAKE2s,             -- BLAKE2s
         MD_BLAKE2b              -- BLAKE2b


Enumeration that identifies the different random generators implemented in CryptAda.

   type Random_Generator_Id is
         RG_CAPRNG,              -- CryptAda experimental PRNG.
         RG_RSAREF               -- RSA Ref RPRNG.


Enumeration that identifies the different symmetric ciphers implemented in CryptAda.

   type Symmetric_Cipher_Id is
         SC_DES,                 -- DES cipher.
         SC_DESX,                -- DES-X cipher (Ron Rivest).
         SC_DES2X,               -- DES2X cipher.
         SC_TDEA_EDE,            -- Triple DES EDE.
         SC_AES,                 -- AES Cipher.
         SC_Blowfish,            -- Blowfish
         SC_RC2,                 -- RC2
         SC_IDEA,                -- IDEA block cipher
         SC_CAST_128,            -- CAST-128
         SC_Twofish,             -- Twofish,
         SC_RC4                  -- RC4


Subtype of Symmetric_Cipher_Id that identifies the block ciphers.

   subtype Block_Cipher_Id is Symmetric_Cipher_Id range SC_DES .. SC_Twofish;


Subtype of Symmetric_Cipher_Id that identifies the stream ciphers.

   subtype Stream_Cipher_Id is Symmetric_Cipher_Id range SC_RC4 .. SC_RC4;