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A vulnerability has been identified in RUGGEDCOM RMC8388...

High severity Unreviewed Published Jul 9, 2024 to the GitHub Advisory Database • Updated Aug 8, 2024


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A vulnerability has been identified in RUGGEDCOM RMC8388 V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RMC8388NC V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RS416NCv2 V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RS416PNCv2 V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RS416Pv2 V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RS416v2 V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RS900 (32M) V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RS900G (32M) V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RS900GNC(32M) V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RS900NC(32M) V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSG2100 (32M) V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSG2100NC(32M) V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSG2288 V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSG2288NC V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSG2300 V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSG2300NC V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSG2300P V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSG2300PNC V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSG2488 V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSG2488NC V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSG907R (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSG908C (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSG909R (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSG910C (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSG920P V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSG920PNC V5.X (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSL910 (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RSL910NC (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RST2228 (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RST2228P (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RST916C (All versions < V5.9.0), RUGGEDCOM RST916P (All versions < V5.9.0). The affected products with IP forwarding enabled wrongly make available certain remote services in non-managed VLANs, even if these services are not intentionally activated. An attacker could leverage this vulnerability to create a remote shell to the affected system.


Published by the National Vulnerability Database Jul 9, 2024
Published to the GitHub Advisory Database Jul 9, 2024
Last updated Aug 8, 2024



EPSS score

(10th percentile)






Source code

No known source code

Dependabot alerts are not supported on this advisory because it does not have a package from a supported ecosystem with an affected and fixed version.

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