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lllamnyp committed Jun 18, 2024
1 parent 9509c1e commit 3708e26
Showing 1 changed file with 63 additions and 60 deletions.
123 changes: 63 additions & 60 deletions docs/
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Expand Up @@ -7,64 +7,67 @@ primitives and gives an overview of the underlying implementation.

flowchart TD
Start(Start) --> A0[Ensure service.]
A0 --> A1[Connect to the cluster\nand fetch all statuses.]
A1 --> |Got some response| AA{All reachable\nmembers have the\nsame cluster ID?}
AA --> |Yes| AAA{Is cluster\nin quorum?}
AAA --> |Yes| AAAA{Are all members \nmanaged by the operator?}
AAAA --> |Yes| AAAAA0[Promote any learners.]
AAAAA0 --> |OK| AAAAA1[Ensure configmap with initial cluster\nmatching existing members and\ncluster state=existing]
AAAAA1 --> |OK| AAAAA2[Ensure StatefulSet with\nreplicas = max member ordinal + 1]
AAAAA2 --> |OK| AAAAAA{Are all\nmembers healthy?}
AAAAAA --> |Yes| AAAAAAA{Are all STS pods present\nin the member list?}
AAAAAAA --> |Yes| AAAAAAAA{Is the\nEtcdCluster\nsize equal to the\nStatefulSet\nsize?}
AAAAAAAA -->|Yes| AAAAAAAAA[Set cluster\nstatus to ready.]
AAAAAAAAA --> HappyStop([Stop])
AAAAAAAA --> |No, desired\nsize larger| AAAAAAAAB[Ensure ConfigMap with\ninitial cluster state existing\nand initial cluster URLs\nequal to current cluster\nplus one member, do\n'member add' API call and\nincrement StatefulSet size.]
AAAAAAAAB --> ScaleUpStop([Stop])
AAAAAAAA --> |No, desired\nsize smaller| AAAAAAAAC[Member remove API\ncall, then decrement\nStatefulSet size\nthen delete PVC.]
AAAAAAAAC --> ScaleDownStop([Stop])
AAAAAAAA --> |Etcd replicas=0\nSTS replicas=1| AAAAAAAAD[Decrement\nSTS to zero]
AAAAAAAAD --> ScaleToZeroStop([Stop])
AAAAAA --> |No| AAAAAAB1[On timeout evict member.]
AAAAAAB1 --> AAAAAAB2[Delete PVC, ensure ConfigMap with\nmembers + this one and delete pod.]
AAAAA0 -->|Error| AAAAAB([Requeue])
AAAAA1 -->|Error| AAAAAB([Requeue])
AAAAA2 -->|Error| AAAAAB([Requeue])
AAAA --> |No| AAAAB([Not implemented,\nstop.])
AAA --> |No| AAAB([Either the cluster will\nsoon recover when\nall pods are back online\nor something caused\ndata loss and majority\n failure simultaneously.])
AA --> |No| AAB[Cluster is in\nsplit-brain. Set\nerror status.]
AAB --> AABStop([Stop])
A1 --> |No members\nreached| AB{Is the correct\nzero-replica STS\npresent?}
AB --> |Yes| ABA{EtcdCluster\n.spec.replicas==0?}
ABA --> |Yes| ABAA([Cluster successfully\nscaled to zero, stop.])
ABA --> |No| ABAB[Ensure ConfigMap with\ninitial cluster = new,\ninitial cluster peers with\nsingle member `name`-0]
ABAB --> |OK| ABABA[Increment STS size.]
ABABA --> |OK| ABABAA([Stop])
ABABA --> |Error| ABABAB([Requeue])
ABAB --> |Error| ABABAB
AB --> |No| ABB{Is the STS\npresent at all?}
ABB --> |Yes| ABBA[Patch the STS,\nexcept for replicas]
ABBA --> |OK| ABBAA([Stop])
ABBA --> |Error| ABBAB([Requeue])
ABB --> |No| ABBB[Create a zero-\nreplica STS]
ABBB --> |OK| ABBBA([Stop])
ABBB --> |Error| ABBBB([Requeue])
A0 --> |Unexpected\nerror| AC(Requeue)
A1 --> |Unexpected\nerror| AC(Requeue)
Start(Start) --> A[Ensure service.]
A --> AA{Are there any\nendpoints?}
AA --> |Yes| AAA[Connect to the cluster\nand fetch all statuses.]
AAA --> |Got some response| AAAA{All reachable\nmembers have the\nsame cluster ID?}
AAAA --> |Yes| AAAAA{Is cluster\nin quorum?}
AAAAA --> |Yes| AAAAAA{Are all members \nmanaged by the operator?}
Promote any learners.
Ensure configmap with initial cluster matching existing members and cluster state=existing.
Ensure StatefulSet with replicas = max member ordinal + 1
AAAAAAA --> |OK| AAAAAAAA{Are all\nmembers healthy?}
AAAAAAAA --> |Yes| AAAAAAAAA{Are all STS pods present\nin the member list?}
AAAAAAAAA --> |Yes| AAAAAAAAAA{Is the\nEtcdCluster\nsize equal to the\nStatefulSet\nsize?}
AAAAAAAAAA -->|Yes| AAAAAAAAAAA[Set cluster\nstatus to ready.]
AAAAAAAAAAA --> HappyStop([Stop])
AAAAAAAAAA --> |No, desired\nsize larger| AAAAAAAAAAB[Ensure ConfigMap with\ninitial cluster state existing\nand initial cluster URLs\nequal to current cluster\nplus one member, do\n'member add' API call and\nincrement StatefulSet size.]
AAAAAAAAAAB --> ScaleUpStop([Stop])
AAAAAAAAAA --> |No, desired\nsize smaller| AAAAAAAAAAC[Member remove API\ncall, then decrement\nStatefulSet size\nthen delete PVC.]
AAAAAAAAAAC --> ScaleDownStop([Stop])
AAAAAAAAAA --> |Etcd replicas=0\nSTS replicas=1| AAAAAAAAAAD[Decrement\nSTS to zero]
AAAAAAAAAAD --> ScaleToZeroStop([Stop])
AAAAAAAA --> |No| AAAAAAAAB1[On timeout evict member.]
AAAAAAAAB1 --> AAAAAAAAB2[Delete PVC, ensure ConfigMap with\nmembers + this one and delete pod.]
AAAAAAA -->|Error| AAAAAAAB([Requeue])
AAAAAA --> |No| AAAAAAB([Not implemented,\nstop.])
AAAAA --> |No| AAAAAB([Either the cluster will\nsoon recover when\nall pods are back online\nor something caused\ndata loss and majority\n failure simultaneously.])
AAAA --> |No| AAAAB[Cluster is in\nsplit-brain. Set\nerror status.]
AAAAB --> AAAABStop([Stop])
AAA --> |No members\nreached| AAAB{Is the STS\npresent?}
AAAB --> |Yes| AAABA{"`Does it have the correct pod spec?`"}
AAABA --> |Yes| AAABAA(["`The statefulset cannot be ready, as the ready and liveness probes must be failing. Hope it becomes ready or wait for user intervention.`"])
AAABA --> |No| AAABAB["`Patch the podspec`"]
AAAB --> |No| AAABB(["`Looks like it was deleted with cascade=orphan. Create it again and see what happens`"])
AA --> |No| AAB{Is the STS\npresent?}
AAB --> |Yes| AABA{Does it have the\ncorrect pod spec?}
AABA --> |Yes| AABAA{Is it\nready?}
AABAA --> |Yes| AABAAA{Then it must have\nspec.replicas==0\n Is EtcdCluster\n.spec.replicas==0?}
AABAAA --> |Yes| AABAAAA([Cluster successfully\nscaled to zero, stop.])
Ensure ConfigMap with initial cluster = new,
initial cluster peers with single member name-0,
increment STS size.
AABAA --> |No| AABAAB([Stop and wait, either\nit will turn ready soon\nand the next reconcile\nwill move things along,\nor user intervention is\nneeded])
AABA --> |No| AABAB[Patch the podspec]
AAB --> |No| AABB[Create configmap, initial state new\ninitial cluster according to spec.\nreplicas, create statefulset.]

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