An encoding of Swedish identity numbers for organisations, individuals,
etc. in a Version 1 date-time and MAC address UUID. The MAC address is fixed
and uniquely identifies this UUID as encoding a Swedish identity number.
In addition the least significant bit of N
must be set to 1.
The identity number is stored in the time_low
and time_mid
encoded with 4 bits per digit to be readable as the original identity
in the canonical UUID hex representation.
A serial number is stored in time_hi
to support multiple businesses registered
to the same individual natural person.
________________ _______________
/ \ / \
00112233 4455 6677 8899 aabbccddeeff
-------- ---- ---- ---- ------------
\___________/ |\_/ | | \__________/
| | | | | |
id number | | | | fixed MAC address
stored as 1 digit per nybble | | | |
| | | |
version 1: date-time and MAC address / | | |
| | |
serial number / | |
| |
variant 1: 10x with x=0 -> 100 (hex 8) | |
lsb of N = 1, yielding N=1001 (hex 9) / |
x=reserved (must be 0) /
Enterprise identity number: 00556809-9963-1000-9000-d49a20d06c1a
Social security number: 19410617-7753-1000-9000-d49a20d06c1a