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CAM References

This page lists websites, academic papers, and books with useful CAM ideas and algorithms.



  • Okabe, Boots, Sugihara: "Spatial Tessellations - concepts and applications of voronoi diagrams", Wiley series in probability and statistics.
  • O'Rourke: Computational Geometry in C
  • deBerg: Computational geometry, algorithms and applications
  • Farin: Curves and Surfaces for CAGD
  • Faux & Pratt: "Computational Geometry for Design and Manufacture"
  • Held, Martin, "On the Computational Geometry of Pocket Machining", Lecture Notes in Computer Science nr500 ( available as pdf through ) This describes the Voronoi-diagram based approach to 2D offsetting of line segments. Held has since published papers which extends these ideas to cover circular arcs. See:
  • Samet: "The Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures" describes quadtrees and octrees
  • Sethian: "Level Set Methods and Fast Marching Methods"
  • Ghali: "Introduction to Geometric Computing"
  • Schneider, Eberly: "Geometric tools for computer graphics"
  • Vince: "Geometric Algebra: an algebraic system for computer games and animation"

Drop cutter or Z-projection machining

  • Yau, Chuang, Lee (2004) "Numerical control machining of triangulated sculptured surfaces in a stereo lithography format with a generalized cutter", International Journal of Production Research 42:13 2573-2598 summary: Describes the drop-cutter algorithm for a generalized 'APT-type' toroidal/tapered cutter. Also discusses a kd-tree for finding triangles under the cutter.
  • Hwang, Chang (1998) "Three-axis machining of compound surfaces using flat and filleted endmills", Computer Aided Design 30(8) 1998 summary: describes the drop-cutter algorithm for cylindrical, spherical, and toroidal endmills.
  • Chuang, Chen, Yau (2002) "A Reverse Engineering Approach to Generating Interference-Free Tool Paths in Three-Axis Machining from Scanned Data of Physical Models", Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2002) 19:23–31 summary: meshing of point-cloud data, drop-cutter math for toroidal endmills
  • Chuang, Yau (2005) "A new approach to z-level contour machining of triangulated surface models using fillet endmills", Computer-Aided Design 37 (2005) 1039–1051 doi:10.1016/j.cad.2004.10.005 summary: z-slice algorithm for creating waterline paths

Voronoi diagrams

Delaunay triangulations

Cutting simulation

Adaptive machining