This repository is a learning implementation of algorithms and data structures using the Go programming language.
- Sequential Search (By afrizal423)
- Binary Search (By afrizal423)
- Bubble Sort (By afrizal423)
- Selection Sort (By Name Of contributor)
- Insertion Sort (By Name Of contributor)
- Shell Short (By Name Of contributor)
Data Structures:
- Linked List
Singly Linked List (By afrizal423)
Doubly Linked List (By Name Of contributor)
Circular Linked List (By Name Of contributor)
- Queue (By Felipe Henrique)
- Stack (By Name Of contributor)
- Read the README file in the folder you wish to contribute to this project, algorithms or data structures.
- Fork this Repository
- Edit on your Repository
- then, push on your Repository
- Pull request on My Repository
- When finished Pull request it to this repository. I'll check it first
- If the code is correct and there is no error, then I will merge it from your pull request
The reason I made a contribution to this project is because we are learning about algorithms and data structures using the Go programming language. Apart from that we also learned how to contribute to open source projects, and also here we celebrate hacktoberfest. Hopefully for those who contribute to this project, God will bless them, because they help people who are learning.