Website Link:
A site for your favorite jokes and insults. Inspired by Reddit, Insalts offers a place to view jokes and insults the community have posted. Check out 'salts' (subreddits) to view posts of a specific category, or create your very own and start posting your own jokes!
First install dependencies. In root directory and client directory, run:
To run the app locally, on root directory run:
To run the server and client separately, on root directory run:
Technologies used:
- React - Frontend framework
- Redux - State container for managing cart system, authentication
- Styled Components - CSS styling written into custom components, gets rid of having to use separate css files
- Node.js - Backend runtime environment
- Express - API for fetching and storing data to database
- Sequelize - Node.js ORM for MySQL database
- MySQL - Database
- JWT - Reliable authentication
Features in this version:
- User authentication
- Creating, editing, and deleting salts
- Joining and leaving salts
- Creating, editing, and deleting posts
Future implementations:
- Commenting on posts