git clone
cd reactive-lab2
sbt "runMain reactive2.BankApp"
sbt "runMain reactive2.ToggleApp"
Method 1: After opening the project, select sbt shell
on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen, then type:
sbt "runMain reactive2.BankApp"
sbt "runMain reactive2.ToggleApp"
Method 2: right-click on the object BankApp
and select Run: BankApp
Configuration of logging can be found in src/main/resources/application.conf
The updated version can be found here:
git clone
cd buddychat
sbt run
Your assignment is to implement a part of an e-Shop system composed of actors Cart and Checkout
Good practice in actor system design is to separate the domain logic from the communication logic. For example, the Cart
actor should not implement both the state of the cart and the communication protocol, because testing the business logic (cart state) will not be possible in isolation, only through the asynchronous communication protocol. In this case, it is better to separate a case class Cart
representing the domain object from actor CartActor
implementing the communication protocol:
case class Cart(items: Seq[Any]) {
def contains(item: Any): Boolean = ???
def addItem(item: Any): Cart = ???
def removeItem(item: Any): Cart = ???
def size: Int = ???
class CartActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case AddItem(item, count) => ???
object CartActor {
def apply(): Behavior[Command] = Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case AddItem(item, count) => ???
- Design messages as
Case classes
. Distinguish between messages-commands (e.g.AddItem
) and messages-events (e.g.ItemAdded
). More about this here.
object CartActor {
sealed trait Command
case class AddItem(id: String) extends Command
sealed trait Event
case class ItemAdded(id: String) extends Event
- To implement a state machine, please use the standard actor
mechanism. - Create an app, which performs a simple test of created actors.
- To implement time limits please use scheduler's or timer's mechanism. The actor should schedule sending a message to itself to mark that maximum time has elapsed:
- CartTimer: the time after which the cart is emptied.
- CheckoutTimer: the time after which checkout transaction is cancelled.
- PaymentTimer: maximum wait time for payment transaction completion, after which payment operation is cancelled.
(10 pkt) Use Akka Typed to implement TypedCartActor
(10 pkt) Use Akka Typed to implement TypedCheckout
To implement the above tasks please use prepared template containing initial test suites
Tests can be run with sbt test
The template was created to ease homework implementation and focus more on significant parts of tasks. This template is adjusted and updated yearly, and some oversight can happen. Such issues and improvements can be raised directly on the github repo. Such activities will be rewarded with additional points. During task evaluation, the focus will be on crucial parts of the code and theory behind particular akka mechanisms.
- Create a new private repository on github named
- Add your teacher to this repository as a collaborator with write access
- Clone the repo
and push it to the repo created in step 1 - Create branch
and add your full name
file - Create a
Pull Request
branch - Send the link to the
as a solution to this assignment